Written by Uyoyou
Christiana Charles-Iyoha
beginning and end of success is the word of God engrafted in your spirit, soul
and body. God gives and teaches us His divine principles for holy living in His
word, and through the ministry of the Holy Spirit. As we learn, internalize and
abide by these principles stated in His word, they become part and parcel of
us, directing and guiding us, alongside the work of the Holy Spirit in our
lives. That is why the Psalmist wrote in Psalm 119 verse 105 that your word is
a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

The word of God is dynamic and has power to transform
a person on a daily basis. The answer to every challenge is in the word of God
therefore fill your heart with the word of God and meditate on the word of God.
If you hear instructions from God, trial and error will no longer be your
portion in Jesus mighty name. Please see
Romans Chapter 12 verses 1 to 2. Therefore, feed on the word of God and you
have wealth, the hidden riches of darkness stated in Isaiah Chapter 55 verses 1
to 5.
God watches over His word to perform His word and not
out fears, worries and anxieties. At the beginning of the year, I asked God to
help me sell a certain number of copies of my books, quite a large number
determined by the Holy Spirit. Thereafter, I would always check my sales report
to see if I was making that quantity of sales. A number of times, I was worried
because I required the money from book sales to pay my bills. But somehow, God
kept paying my bills even before they were due in addition to giving me material
things that made people think I had so much money. As I reflected on why there
were no sales, the Holy Spirit made me understand that I was looking at the
wrong place, visiting the sales report dashboard. He told me to look at the
word of God, His precious promises to me concerning book sales in large numbers.
He told me that was where I would make the sales as I daily thanked God for His
unfailing Word, meditated on that Word and prophesied the Word over my books. I
then realized why I had not made sales and also why I had not experienced
victories in some other areas. Rather than look at the word of God and
internalize the promises of God and make them real in my life; meditate on them
and prophesy them, I was looking at the circumstances that assailed me which were
really nothing to God. I was foraging on dirt – anxiety, fears, worries,
suspicion when my focus should be on God and His word that does not return to
Him void. I repented before God and asked Him to help me look at His word, and
to believe His word as well as prophesy His word over my life and situation in
Jesus mighty name.