Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Enriched and Enlarged for Success 1

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

The God of divine surplus will visit you, enrich and enlarge you as you journey to Success Street. When He visited Peter, Peter caught a multitude of fish. When He intervened in the feeding of the multitudes, there was a surplus from what appeared to be insufficient.

God demonstrates divine enrichment and enlargement through divine surplus and He desires to take you to that position of divine surplus now in Jesus mighty name. The indebted prophet’s widow was in a very unpleasant situation that appeared to have no exit doors. She had no means of livelihood, her husband left behind huge debts that threatened the future of her two sons who would soon become slaves to the creditor. She ran to Prophet Elisha for help and God instructed her on what to do through the prophet. As she obeyed every instruction, God multiplied the jar of oil into several vessels of oil that were sold to pay off the debts. Suddenly, an impoverished and indebted family without any income had excess income that exceeded their expenditure and debts so that they had more than enough financial resources to live on for the rest of their lives. God moved them from the level of debt, lack, indebtedness to more than enough and He is about to do same for you irrespective of whatever level you are in now. Through His overflowing and inexhaustible fountain of divine abundance, He will ensure that the treasury of your life is continually filled to overflowing and abundance that ensures that your income will always exceed your expenditure no matter how big that expenditure is. Please see Philippians Chapter 4 verse 19.

God’s divine enrichment and enlargement is specially designed for you to live in the miraculous of God’s overflowing provision.

There is always a seed for God to take hold of and energize for divine increase and enlargement – Genesis Chapter 26 verses 1. The seed principle is necessary for divine enlargement and abundance. Every surplus works with a seed – John Chapter 12 verse 24. You can count the number of seeds in an orange but you cannot count the number of oranges in a seed. Keep planting your seed. That is the key to divine enrichment and enlargement. As every increase comes, take a seed out of it and pant for further multiplication. You can determine and control your future through your seed. Your future is in your seed. Ecclesiastes Chapter 11 verse 4. Do not be too stingy as stinginess limits your future – Mark Chapter 11 verse 28, Hebrews Chapter 4 verse 5.

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