Thursday, October 5, 2017

Speak to Your Future

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

It is the will of God for every child of His to have and experience glorious futures that manifest His promises that are yea and amen in Christ. Such futures however do not fall on anyone like bags of cherries. They have to be diligently sought out from the Word of God, prophesied and acted upon. This is to say that you have the capacity to determine your future if you sit with God on a daily basis to work out that glorious future which He prepared for you from the foundation of the world. That explains why God in His infinite wisdom always speaks to the future of His children and you can do same by speaking to your future ably assisted by the Holy Spirit as you feed on the Word of God. The Word of God always has the capacity to germinate in the heart of the righteous, flourish and produce harvests of an abundant glorious future.
Therefore, call those things which do not exist as though they did (Romans Chapter 4 verse 17b) in the place of prayer with God. That is prophetic praying.

God has given you everything you need to fulfill purpose. Your task is to call forth the resources from the realm of the spirit to manifest in the physical so you can use them. God had given the land of Canaan to the Israelites but they had to journey from Egypt to the land as well as dispossess the people living there. That was why they engaged in physical travel, and physical battles. In your case, your battle is to call forth the resources you need which God has graciously provided. Your weapon of war is the sword of the spirit which you are to declare daily at all times, to ensure a release of the resources from wherever  they are and from whoever may want to hold on to them. Please see Daniel Chapter 10. Daniel fasted and prayed for 21 days. Hold on to God in prayers, fasting, prophetic declarations of the truth of God’s word as well as prophetic actions. And always remember that the word of God does not return to Him void. Please see Hebrews Chapters 11 verse 3; 1 verses 1 to 3, Romans Chapter 4 verse 17 and 2nd Kings Chapter 4.

You may argue that you have a negative past that may hinder you from experiencing God’s glorious future for you. Perhaps you should ask the Apostle Paul how he transformed from Saul to Paul. Please see Acts Chapters 9 verses 1 to 29; 26 verses 1 to 32.  In spite of what he did to the early Church, God spoke to a beautiful future for Paul. How about the Apostle Peter? He denied Jesus Christ three times yet the leadership of the early Church was given to him because Jesus Christ had spoken to Peter’s glorious future in prayers and prophetic utterances.

Perhaps you are fearful like Gideon or even timid like Timothy. All you need to do is to agree with God that you are a person of great valor, confident and bold to take on the world and shine. Therefore, speak to your future. Plant the seeds of tomorrow’s greatness with the Word of God irrespective of how negative the past was. The Word of God that you speak to your future today will overwrite whatever the past would have done to your future. Just as a farmer takes quality seed to plant on fertile ground that receives abundant water expects abundant harvests that span years, so also will your daily prophetic utterances spoken with a clean heart yield harvests of a glorious future for several years. For instance, you may plant an orange seed and reap an orange tree or an orchard that will yield several oranges for several years if that tree/s are not cut down. So also will the fruits of your divinely inspired prophetic utterances span generations if Christ tarries.

Finally, no one moves forward by walking backwards. So also are mental processes that focus on the past, particularly dwelling on an unpleasant past that leads you downhill.  The truth about the past is that the past cannot be erased or unwritten. However, it can be archived where it belongs, the past. Do not celebrate yesterday. Rather look at celebrating tomorrow by speaking to tomorrow today. Shalom.

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