Friday, November 27, 2020

Beware of Religious Orgies

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Because most times God is not in them. They are mostly singing and dancing, frenzied singing and dancing which gives the people emotional highs; which make them forget their challenges, their identities; albeit only for a while because when the emotional highs like drug highs clear out, they are back to the same people with the same challenges; bereft of any spiritual and mental power to process challenges into solutions. This is because no one taught them what it takes to process challenges into solutions.

So also are the frenzied prayers of killing their supposed enemies; again a ploy of the enemy to keep their spirits and minds empty of the Presence and power of God. But when people are taught the word of God to enrich and engage their minds; to know and understand who God is and what God has done for them through the complete work of Jesus Christ on the cross, there is a sudden realization of who they are in Christ Jesus and this realization; this dawning prepares them to become heirs of salvation; empowered and emboldened to challenge whatever challenges and opposes them just as David dared to challenge Goliath and stopped him from intimidating and humiliating the army of Israel.

Beloved, music, dancing, prayers are great if done with and from an understanding of the word of God. Otherwise it is akin to religious orgies and frenzies; just like the ones the worshippers of Baal were famed for. Such activities do not bring any spiritual or mental development and transformation to practitioners which explain why such practitioners remain enslaved to their supposed leaders who have no intention of them becoming enlightened, knowledgeable and transformed.

But the word of God always enlightens, transforms, and brings healing, understanding, knowledge and wisdom. The word of God has the capacity and power to heal any disease because the word of God is Jesus Christ in the flesh and Jesus paid the supreme price for any healing that anyone will ever require whether in the flesh or in the spirit or in the mind. Please read Isaiah Chapter 53 verse 5 and 1st Peter Chapter 2 verse 24.

The human body needs a lot of fluids to flush out what is not required. That explains why anything you eat which makes you drink a lot of water is good for your body as it helps the body to take a lot of water which flushes out what your body does not need. In like manner, your spirit, soul and body requires huge doses of the word of God as the word of God helps to cleanse you from anything that is not of God, purify your mental processes, cleanse you spirit, soul and body; give you divine direction; upliftment, favor and helps you to stay connected to God and to walk in God’s ways. The word of God also helps to organize and streamline your mental processes in line with the plans and purposes of God for your life so that you are able to focus on the plans and purposes of God for your life.


Friday, November 20, 2020

Pay Attention to God

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Wake up from the slumber of facts, assumptions and presumptions to the truth of the word of God that always accomplishes divine purpose. God is true and all of His precious and unfailing promises to His children are designed to bless His children; give them all that pertains to life and godliness. Healing, salvation, redemption, justification, sanctification, , provision, deliverance, protection, journey mercies, favor, wisdom, wealth, promotion, security, divine health, expansion, children, etc all come from God.

Faith and confidence in God leads to peace, the peace of God and this comes by paying attention to God; listening to God and not all the wrong channels you have allowed yourself to be tuned to and you are paying attention to. All the wrong information you are getting from these wrong channels is responsible for the fears, worries, and anxieties that is eating you up; racking up your body in pain; tormenting your spirit and your soul.

Therefore, always respond to God first rather than situations. As you respond to God, God takes care of the situations. For example, Elisha and his servant Gehazi woke up one morning to discover that the army of Syria had surrounded their home. While Gehazi was afraid, Elisha was not because he had seen God’s invisible army sent by God to save and protect them from the Syrian army. The woman of Shunem responded to the needs of God first by taking care of the needs of Elisha. God met her great need for a child. The widow of Zarephath obeyed God and met the needs of the Prophet Elijah for food. They had more than enough food which sustained them throughout the period of the drought and famine which lasted for nearly three years. Beloved, the lines are fallen to you in pleasant places. But you need to pay attention to God so that you can see the lines. Otherwise, you will be engaged in a futile circular dance of searching for solutions when all you need to do is to pay attention to God.

Look Within

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

It’s in YOU. What you require to become successful and great is in you. Everything you need to succeed is inside of you, divinely wired into you by God so that you can be successful and wealthy. They were planted in you as divine seeds even before you were born. Please read Genesis Chapter 1. Everything starts with a seed. The seeds you require to plant so that you can multiply and be fruitful are embedded in you. Therefore nurture your seed by taking advantage of planting seasons.

Plant your seeds by deploying your potential. It is from the seed you plant that a tree or trees or orchards or forests grow. Utilize planting seasons to great advantage by always planting seeds. You never can tell how large the capacity of your seed is to produce and keep reproducing and reproducing until you plant it. Though the reproduction is the principle of duplication, the seed must be planted for it to germinate and reproduce. Please read Ecclesiastes Chapter 11 verse 6.

Seeds are not always plants and fruits. Ideas are also seeds. As an idea bears fruit or fruits, it is apparent that the idea has great capacity to multiply and compound. Therefore do not cut down the tree or fruits from an idea. Please read Luke Chapter 13 verses 8 to 9. Rather, process them as every idea which produced results for you in the past has innate ideas for more results; that is if you will take the time to think strategically through the idea or ideas. That explains why God wants you to be fruitful and multiply; that is to say, keep reproducing to increase on all sides.

Avoid these Ill Fitting Clothes

 Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha


Envy is a terrible and ill-fitting garment which often clothes the wearer with great shame in the end. Apart from constantly reflecting great anger, deep seated resentment, hatred, and intents of both ill will and murder in the wearer’s facial expression, envy always puts the wearer beneath the position of the person being envied.

Though Saul was a king, his actions reduced him to a hunter and murderer of innocent souls; actions beneath the purview of a supposedly righteous King. Unfortunately, Saul died young and the David he sought to kill took over his place as King in Israel. Saul envied a young man who took a great risk to save both King Saul and the army of Israel the embarrassment and humiliation Goliath subjected them to for three days.

Envy makes the wearer bitter, always angry and ugly. The bitterness, anger, deep seated resentment and hatred reflects in the body language of the wearer giving off contorted facial and body expressions, sarcasm and invectives in verbal expressions. Beloved, envy is an ill-fitting garment and should not be worn by anyone especially people who profess a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Envy always escalates to hatred which unfortunately sometimes culminates in murder or attempted murder. You can ask Cain if you will ever find him or better still read the account of how he killed his brother Abel on account of envy in Genesis Chapter 4,

The Pharisees consistently wore it against Jesus and ended up killing Jesus. Though they allowed themselves to be used of the devil in the accomplishment of divine purpose, they lost both their positions and respect from the people.

The brothers of Joseph came close to killing Joseph because they were envious of Joseph. But for the timely intervention of Reuben, they would have killed Joseph. Please read Genesis Chapter 36. But God kept Joseph alive and in the end they bowed down to Joseph just as Joseph rightly prophesied.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Be Cautious

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

To be cautious is to be wise especially when caution is necessary. Do not expose yourself to unnecessary risks especially life threatening risks because you are a Christian. Run when you have to run and stay when God says stay.

Jesus Christ Who is God took precaution to avoid being killed by the Jews. He stayed in Galilee and did his business there when he noticed that the Jews in Judea were determined to kill him before His time. Please read John Chapter 7 verses 1 to 13. He deliberately did not go to the feast with His family members so as to avoid being easily spotted; and even when He eventually went on His own, the Bible records that He avoided drawing any form of attention to Himself.

Saul attempted to kill David on a number of occasions. Beloved, Saul’s desperation to kill David knew no bounds. He tried every trick under the sun so he could kill David. Saul also attempted to kill his own son Jonathan simply because Jonathan spoke up for David. Please read 1st Samuel Chapter 20.  David exercised caution when he realized that Saul was determined to kill him. He ensured that he avoided any form of direct contact or confrontation with Saul and the men Saul sent to kill him. He was also careful to avoid every bobby trap that Saul set for him. Additionally, God gave David wisdom to always run to safety. Though David was privileged to kill Saul and his body guards, David refrained himself from doing so because he feared God.

Shape Up

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

You can and should shape up by placing great value on yourself.  And there are many reasons why you should place great value on yourself.

To start with, you are created in the image of God, the Creator and Owner of the universe to Whom alone everything submits. Besides, God instructed you to have control; take charge of, exercise dominion over His creation. This is to say that God places great value on you and expects you to do same. Please read Genesis Chapter 1 verse 28 and Psalm 8. Beloved, if you take ample time to study Genesis Chapter 1, you will discover that humans are the only ones created in the image of God, designed to think and act like God; relate to and with God which explains why the Bible says you are gods.

You are therefore very important, very unique, and very special to God. You therefore have absolutely no reason for you to undervalue yourself and subject yourself or allow yourself to be subjected to indignity by anyone or circumstances. If you are the one subjecting yourself to indignity, you have the benefit of repenting of that sin and celebrating the extravagant grace, mercy, love and compassion of God in your life by choosing to live life in full as God designed life for you from the foundation of the world. Do not forget that He provided everything which Adam and Eve would ever require by giving them the beautiful Garden of Eden; significantly not to till but to maintain. Beloved, God loves you and has made available for you everything you would require to live life to the fullest. It is not a sin to live in great wealth, enjoy luxury living and peace in the land. It is your birthright given to you by God. Though Adam and Eve lost it through carelessness and sin, Jesus Christ regained it for you and I through His shed blood on Calvary.

The purpose of extravagant grace is for shaping up spiritually, mentally and physically and financially. Shaping up spiritually calls for a more committed relationship with God in which you gain spiritual weight. How?

You spend quality time with God, pay attention to the Holy Spirit, and respond promptly to the instructions of the Holy Spirit.

Run With the Vision

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha


Stop limping, take giant strides, and facilitate processes by the Spirit of God.

Also, make the vision plain enough – communicate it in easy to understand language so that anyone can easily understand it and be part of it.

Be strong in the mighty power of God. Do not depend on you. Rather, depend on God Who alone knows and has all that it will take for you to run with the vision. Secondly, He will give you all that is required to run with the vision if only you choose to ask Him rather than stew in worry and anxiety and then ask all the wrong people who cannot help you for assistance. When you depend on God, you are taking great supernatural strength that will keep you strong at all times. People who look up to God and depend on God for everything are really strong people; whether spiritually, physically, mentally, financially, emotionally, etc. Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Ephesians Chapter 6 verse 10.

The angel told me to give Zerubbabel this message from the LORD: "You will succeed, not by military might or by your own strength, but by my spirit. Zechariah Chapter 4 verse 6, Good News Translation.

Be diligent. God will reward you appropriately for diligence. Know exactly what God wants you to do, understand the dynamics, and focus on it.

Always be determined to succeed. Determination is empowering. It mobilizes you to act, to take risks, with courage rising in the face of danger. Jesus Christ for instance endured the shame and humiliation of the cross because he was determined to save humanity from destruction. People who take godly risks do not perish.

Esther was determined to be of help to the Jews. She fasted, prayed and took the risk of her life by going to see the King uninvited. Her determination paid off as the King stretched out his scepter to her. Not only was her life saved, Haman the enemy of the Jews was destroyed and the Jews were saved from annihilation. Please read the entire book of Esther for details.

GOD RESPONDS TO STEPS taken in faith. Therefore, walk in faith and take what belongs to you from the enemy. The truth is that the world does not give you what you want. You are the one who takes it by faith and negotiations.

Evaluate your personal capacity and challenge yourself to excel. Learn new skills, outsource competencies in areas where you lack competence.

Do not be complacent. Work hard and smart because in all labor, there is profit. Please read Proverbs Chapter 12 verse 24, Psalm 65 verse 11 and Isaiah Chapter 3 verse 10. God will fill you with His beauty/favor so that your work prospers – Psalm 90 verse 17, Psalm 102 verse 13, Proverbs Chapter 10 verse 24 and Zechariah Chapter 4 verse 9.