Sunday, September 4, 2016

Exercise Dominion in Your Sector

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

If there is anyone that should succeed in any business, it should be you because Genesis Chapter 1 verse 26 says so. It is the will of God for you. This means that as a believer, you should be at the top because dominion is your DNA. You are made in the image of God.

There is no best business, place or profession or field. Every business has its successes and failures as well as the secrets that make certain people exercise dominion certain sectors and why some people do a sprint away from certain sectors. Your sector is your sphere of influence; an area where you authority rules. However, you require great skills and expertise to exercise dominion in your sector. If you do not have the skills and expertise, you either learn them or hire them as consultants. But most importantly, always apply the wisdom of God in whatever you do. It is the wisdom of God that will always give you the edge you need to exercise dominion in your sector. The wisdom of God is all yours for the asking if you care to – James Chapter

Additionally, and quite instructive is the need to apply yourself. While skills and expertise are great assets; skills and expertise without a corresponding grace to complete assigned tasks especially as directed will not place you at the top. If you do not complete tasks assigned to you, how then do you exercise dominion? An uncompleted building, art work or dress is never a master piece and cannot be showcased in any competition. Only completed buildings, works of art, dresses et al can be showcased and categorized as master pieces. Huram had the grace to finish tasks as directed. So also were Bezalel, Oholiab and the team of gifted artisans who worked with them – Exodus Chapter 38 verses 22 to 23, 39 verses 42 to 43.

Enhance Your Brand 3

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Grooming, cleanliness, personal hygiene, dressence, beauty enhancements, are also components of enhancing your brand. To be clean, to smell good and look good are all processes that lead up to brand enhancement. Cleanliness and dressing up are therefore critical to brand enhancement.

Esther is described as lovely and beautiful - having a good figure and beautiful face (Esther Chapter 7 verse 9) yet when she entered for the search for a queen contest, she also partook of the prescribed beauty treatments for twelve months – six months with oil of myrrh and six months with perfumes and preparations for beautifying women (Esther Chapter 2 verses 3, 9 to 12, 15).

Ruth was Naomi’s daughter in-law. She came with Naomi from Moab and was gleaning to feed herself and her mother in-law. Naomi was concerned about the future of Ruth and decided to take advantage of a Jewish custom that benefited widows so Ruth could remarry within the family. So she advised Ruth on what to do.

All the while Ruth had been gleaning in the fields of Boaz, she was not properly groomed and dressed to attract the attention of Boaz in the way a potential bride should be. Therefore, Naomi instructed Ruth to shower and to be clean and free of grime, oils and sweat and dirt smells which cling and throw off  foul unpleasant smells that drive people away; apply cream that is oils to soften her skin and make her skin glow, attractive and appealing and people will want to touch and feel it; apply perfume for a more pleasant smell that will screen off any possible sweat smell after her walk to the threshing floor. Ruth was also advised to put on her best gown; dress well, dress up. Why? To enhance her brand as the best bride that Boaz could have. Already, Boaz was impressed by her devotion to Naomi as well as her care for Naomi. The additional beauty touches would be additional pleasant seasonings to an already delicious pudding.