Friday, October 13, 2017

Enhance Your Personal Capacity

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

A person’s resource to a large extent is the reflection of his or her capacity. In the parable of talents recorded in Matthew Chapter 25 verses 13 to, the Bibles states that the servants each received gifts according to their abilities. This implies that their master identified their pre-existing capacities or abilities and matched them with the required resources for their enlargement. Enlargement is therefore a function of a person’s capacity. That is to say that increase in resources is dependent on increased capacity to manage the resources effectively. Enlargement of resources is therefore correspondent to enlarged capacities. Please see Isaiah Chapter 54 verses 1 to 3.

That perhaps explains why God will not expect you to jump at a responsibility you have no capacity to handle. Therefore, evaluate your personal capacity in the light of the enlargement you seek so that you should expand and enhance your existing capacities to accommodate whatever enlargement you require from God. This implies that personal capacity development is very important.

To enlarge, you stretch and as you stretch, enlargement grows because God will keep enlarging you as you stretch your capacities. The human capacity is elastic and can be stretched to whatever dimensions you are capable of stretching it to. Please see Genesis Chapter 13 verses 14 to 18. The ability to stretch is as much the work of the Holy Spirit as much as your own diligence to enhance your personal capacity and competence to the desired height. It is important that you increase your mental, spiritual and physical capacities.

Mental capacities for instance are elastic; therefore stretch your mental capacities in order to enhance your mental competence such as the ability to think in terms of speed, creativity, innovativeness and decisiveness. It is also pertinent that you ask yourself critical questions; for instance, what is your present mental capacity and can that capacity deliver purpose, the reason you exist on planet earth? Every serious assignment God gives you requires mental diligence and high level mental competence. To maintain and sustain any great enlargement, you must be mentally intelligent, diligent and competent. What makes a person expensive to hire is his or mental competence, especially the ability to think and solve problems. Therefore, improve on your skills to become more marketable, wealthy and successful. Refuse to be a local champion. Rather, develop your mental capacities to match the demands of the environment you desire to compete in. Please see 2nd Timothy Chapter 2 verse 15 where the Apostle Paul instructed Timothy to study. See also Romans Chapter 12 verse 2. Beloved, STUDY; expand your mental horizons and also acquire some new skills. You never can tell when those skills will come in very handy.

Additionally, enhance your spiritual capacity. Grow from being a babe to an adult who knows what to do and how to do it. God will definitely enlarge your coast but do not allow your spiritual incapacitation to derail it. Be spiritually wise enough to stand firm in faith. It is impossible to grow spiritually beyond the level of the word of God in you. Therefore do something fast to improve your word study on a daily basis. Please see Hebrews Chapter 5 verses 12 to 14.

Also important is the enhancement of your physical capacities. This means that you develop the capacity to remain healthy and energetic. You need a healthy body to accommodate the enlargement God is bringing your way. Therefore, do all that God requires of you to keep your body healthy and God will always honor His part of ensuring that no sickness or disease comes to attack and destroy your body. Please see Psalm 105 verse 37. Do not compromise your healthy. Eat well, rest well, exercise regularly and be clean.

Also invest in quality relationships and as much as possible, live at peace with everyone you interact with.

Thank you for reading this post to this point. As you close, please pray this prayer for yourself and your loved ones. Father, please increase my mental, spiritual and physical capacities to prosper and accommodate the great increase you are bringing my way, Lord in Jesus mighty name; thank You for answered prayers, Amen.

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