Saturday, February 29, 2020

From Obscurity to Limelight

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

God is the only One Who takes people, institutions, communities and nations out of obscurity into global limelight and prominence. This is because He is the only One Who has the capacity do so. The biblical Joseph was already imprisoned for life and had no chances of ever getting out of prison. But God created situations which made Joseph sought after. God had equipped Joseph with great people skills as well as the divine ability to interpret dreams and also blessed him with divine favor.

So Joseph was able to reach out to his fellow prisoners – Pharaoh’s baker and butler who were serving prison terms. But for the worrisome dreams which Joseph interpreted, the butler would not have known about Joseph’s ability to interpret dreams and recommend him to Pharaoh. What is also significant here is the divine arrangement – the baker and the butler were in the same prison as Joseph and were serving different sentences at the same time. Talk about divine timing and divine connection. Even after the butler was freed and restored to his position in the palace, there was no respite for Joseph as he still remained in prison – two full years. But when it was time, God’s appointed time to favor Zion, God orchestrated events to work for Joseph. Pharaoh dreamt; very worrisome dreams which took away his peace.

He became restless especially when all the supposedly wise men of Egypt could not interpret the dreams. That was when Mr. Butler who had supposedly forgotten about Joseph remembered – Joseph could just possibly solve this problem and he mentioned Joseph to Pharaoh.

Beloved, ponder a while! What if Joseph had been released from prison before then and no one could account for his whereabouts, he would have missed the divine opportunity to stand before Pharaoh and achieve his dream of global leadership. Sometimes, what appears to be working against you because they are the wicked schemes of wicked human beings; designed to immobilize you and stop your progress may be divine orchestrations and even when they are not; they could be circumstances allowed by God to pan out for His overall good in your life when He makes all things beautiful in His time.

Joseph eventually stood before Pharaoh and not only interpreted Pharaoh’s dreams but also provided the solutions to the challenges created by the dreams. In an instant, in a single day, Joseph moved from being an unknown obscure prisoner without hope of freedom to become Prime Minister in Egypt. Some great leap, you would say but that is the doing of God Who alone always has the capacity to take anyone out of the back side of the desert and obscurity into global limelight, relevance, significance and honor. 

Monday, February 10, 2020

You Will Succeed

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

You are a strong brand. You can make it. You can succeed. You are a billionaire. Therefore, sidestep the limitations. The truth is that you can actually turn the limitations, challenges, obstacles, what appear to be barriers into opportunities and stepping stones through what you do with your divine gifts. You can leverage these to succeed and make wealth.

You also have a great audience, the great props, advantages of the internet and great devices with which you should be in constant communication with the great audience God blessed you with. Beloved, it is time to rise out of slumber and COMMUNICATE. ENGAGE your audience in the different platforms you are known in. You can use social media platforms as e-retail shops, pulpits, information sharing hubs, networking and collaboration platforms from where you can direct people to your services and products, etc.

Acquire celebrity status if need be and use it to great  advantage as a designer, educationist, scientist, chef, writer, development person, Minister of the gospel and fashionista and whatever good name there is – stylist, clothes, jewelry or accessories line. The point being made is increase, make progress and stop looking for mentors and leaders when you should be mentoring and leading people.

It is ironic that you have been looking for mentors when in reality God created you a mentor and has painstakingly worked at making you a mentor. Pray that God would help you to be strong and fulfill purpose; and help you to stop the endless search for strong people, strong institutions and build your own strong and valuable brand given you from the foundation of the world in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Friday, February 7, 2020

You are an Achiever

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

You are fearfully and wonderfully made, that is say that you have the right appearance for YOU, specifically designed by God for you and you alone.

You are divinely wired to exercise dominion over every creation of God. However, you have to be rightly aligned with God through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ for you to do so. Please read Genesis Chapter 1 verse 28, Psalm 8 verse 6, Job Chapter 22 verses 28, Mark Chapter 11 verses 22 to 24, Luke Chapter 10 verse 19, Matthew Chapter 17 verses 20 to 21, Mark Chapter 16 verses 17 to 18, 20, Acts Chapter 1 verse 8, 3 verses 1 to 9, 5 verses 14 to 16, 8 verses 5 to 8, 14 verses 8 to 15, 19 verses 11 to 12.

You are divinely created to make and enjoy wealth. Please read Deuteronomy Chapters 8 verse 18, 15 verse 6 and 28 verses 11 to 12 and 2nd Corinthians Chapter 8 verse 13. The intimidating walls of Jericho coupled with the strong securely locked gates were enough barricades and barriers to Israel’s progress to Canaan to access the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places which God deposited in Canaan for the Israelites. Fortunately for Israel, God is the Way maker Who always makes a way where there seems to be no way. Supernaturally and miraculously, the intimidating walls of Jericho alongside the securely locked gates came down in a heap so that the Israelites could move forward and progress to Canaan, unhindered. God has given you guaranteed access to divine treasures and riches – no bitterness, no restrictions, no opposition because every opposition no matter how strong and fierce is subdued in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Please read Isaiah Chapter 43 verses 1 to 3, 45 verses 1 to 3 and Psalm 107 verse 6. God has broken the gates of brass and cut the bars of iron in sunder. To uproot and destroy barricades and barriers so that you can access the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places. SO GO FOR GOLD.

Additionally, the Lord is your Shepherd therefore you have everything you need. This is because the wisdom to navigate access to whatever you need is in God and you can always access that divine wisdom through the Holy Spirit, the greatest gift of God to you through Christ Jesus. So in Christ Jesus, you have everything, all your needs according to the riches of God in glory by Christ Jesus.