Friday, October 16, 2020

Be in Firm Control 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Humans were not created for the fun of being created. They were created for God’s pleasure and in God’s image so that they can exercise and have dominion over all of creation and to be fruitful and multiply to fill the earth and subdue it – multiply to expand on all sides to fill the earth and subdue it. Please read Revelation Chapter 4 verse 11.

I believe that the enemy most often uses words; evil words couched as questions, suggestions, ridicule, false allegations and accusations, mockery and counsel to attack the children of God into sinning against God in order to make them lose on divine plans and purposes and ultimately the blessings of God for their lives. Take for instance the situation in the Garden of Eden. It was the war of words until Eve succumbed. There was no pressure from the devil, no physical assault, just veiled threats until Eve lost her mental processes to the devil. Please read Genesis Chapter 3 for details.

All Jezebel required to kill Naboth just so she could steal his vineyard give it to her covetous husband was to start a war of words through false allegations against Naboth. She paid two scoundrels to testify against Naboth claiming that Naboth had blasphemed God and the King. Naboth was falsely accused and ultimately killed because Jezebel and her cohorts accused him falsely. Please read 2nd Kings Chapter 21 verses 1 to 16.

Amnon, the eldest son of King David who would have succeeded his father died young because he foolishly assented to the evil counsel of the devil through his friend and cousin Jonadab whom the Bible describes as a crafty man. Rather than counsel Amnon to forget his lust for Tamar or request for Tamar as a wife from the King, Jonadab counseled Amnon to rape Tamar. Absalom, the elder brother of Tamar did not forgive Amnon for humiliating his sister. He plotted the death of Amnon and two years after the rape incident, Absalom killed Amnon to avenge the rape of his sister. Please read 2nd Samuel Chapter 13 for details.