Friday, July 28, 2017

Encounter Divine Destiny

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

An encounter is a sudden meeting.

A divine encounter is a meeting with God and it is usually a day for a divine turnaround. It is a sudden visitation of God in your life in which God holds a personal meeting with you. Every child of God should experience a divine encounter as every divine encounter is the precursor to discovering purpose in life. It is a day of discovering destiny. Irrespective of what you have achieved in life now, there is a segment for meeting with divine destiny to bring about transformation in your life that is consistent with divine destiny. Until you have the encounter, you may be in a segment that is inconsistent with divine destiny. Moses’ background in Pharaoh’s house and Midian were irrelevant until he experienced divine encounter. Moses moved from shepherding flocks for his father in-law to national and global leadership of Israel shepherding God’s flock. Please see Exodus Chapter 3 verses 1 to 7.

When you have a divine encounter, everything changes. Gideon was a frightened young man threshing wheat in a winepress when he experienced divine encounter. The fearful young man who thought he was a nobody became a national hero who God used to free the nation of Israel from the intimidation and oppression of Midian. But for a divine encounter, Gideon would have remained unknown and insignificant. A divine encounter will make your life relevant; give you global visibility, significance, fame and wealth.

King Solomon experienced divine encounter and became the wealthiest and wisest King on earth. Kings, Queens, prominent people from different nations came to hear his wisdom and see his vast wealth. In point of fact, the Bible records that silver was as common as sand during his reign as king in Israel.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

The Consequences of Ignorance

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

The consequences of ignorance are better not imagined. While education is said to be expensive, ignorance is even more expensive considering the unpleasant consequences of ignorance. Some of them are:

Captivity which occurs because an ignorant person or persons lack direction and lack of direction leads to captivity as in the case of the Israelites described in Isaiah Chapter 5 verse 13. They had no idea where to go and even if they had an idea of where to go, they had absolutely no idea how to get there and they ended up in captivity.

Hunger – even the honorable men amongst them who ideally should have had abundance suffered hunger because there was no food for them. Beloved, can you imagine what the commoners would suffer if their honorable men suffered hunger? Famine! This is to say that famine can be occasioned by ignorance.

Why Dare to Succeed

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Dare to Succeed is specifically designed to teach, inspire and boost your confidence levels to look the challenges that assail you eyeball to eyeball, analyses and dissect them to see the hidden opportunities, albeit the stepping stones embedded in the challenges.

Indeed, the journey of life is not a bed of roses. However, the apparent bed of thorns that strew the pathways of success can become beds of roses which propel you to success and wealth if you know what to do; which is the crux of the matter – knowing what to do, to dare to succeed against all odds.

This implies that knowledge, not just any kind of knowledge but knowledge that is specific to dealing with the challenge/s is strategic to making the challenges stepping stone. Please permit me to quote Proverbs Chapter 24 verses 3 to 4 (NLT) verbatim. ‘any enterprise is built by wise planning, becomes strong through common sense; and profits wonderfully by keeping abreast of the facts. To keep abreast of the facts is to be steps ahead of the relevant information required to pierce the darkness obliterating the light that will make you see the challenges as stepping stones.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Do Not Lose Momentum

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Do not lose momentum of what God started in your life, business, career, academics, finances, marriage, home, health and whatever it is you do. Consolidate on what has been done. There is a constituency out there, a huge one that is in need of a listening ear; wants real interaction, and not the publicity stunt and fame people are looking for in the name of ministry, business and what have you.

What is momentum? According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, momentum means
  • ·         : the strength or force that something has when it is moving

·      : the strength or force that allows something to continue or to grow stronger or faster as time passes

What does it mean to have momentum?  How did you get to the point of momentum and what do you do with whatever momentum you have? What does it take not to lose momentum? To have gained momentum implies that you are already unto something, you are going somewhere, you are doing something that is gaining ground progressively. Some level of commitment, diligence and determination coupled with the grace of God got you to where you are now. However, pressures, perhaps limited knowledge and understanding of how to progress beyond where you are now is making you consider giving up and jumping on to something else. Beloved, no one makes progress by jumping from one unfinished business to the other without ever thinking of how to complete each one that was already started. Working that way is about the fastest way to lose momentum. 

Thursday, July 13, 2017

God is Faithful

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

God does not fail, has not failed and will not fail. That is the testimony of the saints in the Bible and it is one of the cardinal teachings in the Bible. Please see Numbers Chapter 23 verse 19. David was a man after God’s heart, was anointed as King of Israel when he was still a teenager, experienced challenges that could have made him doubt God, the word of God and promises of God concerning him; yet David held on to God.

As a young man, God used Him to defeat Goliath and because the women of Israel sang praises of David, the then ruling King of Israel, Saul became envious of David and made several attempts on the young life of David. Consequently, David became homeless and had to live among the Philistines, ironically among the kinsmen of Goliath whom he killed. Eventually, Saul was killed in battle and after a battle with the surviving sons and relatives of Saul, the Israelites came together and crowned David king of Israel. Please see 1st Chronicles Chapter 12.

Flourish in the Perfect Will of God

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

One of the cardinal key of success is to know God’s will for your life. Please see Colossians Chapter 1 verse 9 and Ephesians Chapter 1 verse 9. God’s will is a mystery. This is because  it is often difficult to understand. Though mysterious, God has made provision to unravel His will. 
One of such ways is through the communion. Please see Luke Chapter 24 verse 35, and 1st John Chapter 1 verses 1 to 3. There are critical issues in a person’s life that cannot decided with the five senses. You need the revelation knowledge of God to decide critical issues in your life. The will of God for a person’s life cannot be determined with the naked eyes. It takes the revelation knowledge of God. To do so is a function of knowledge – John Chapter 5 verse 19, Matthew Chapter 6 verse 10. Revelation guides actions, decisions, and choices that a person makes in life. You do not live by instinct as a child of God – Luke Chapter 24 verse 30 to 31, 34, 35, Matthew Chapter 28 verse 26, Genesis Chapter 3, Psalm 90 verse 8, Hebrews Chapter 4 verse 13, Ephesians Chapter 5 verse 13, John Chapter 5 verse 19.

Another way is through the revelation knowledge of the word of God. Please see John Chapter 8 verse 32, Luke Chapter 24 verses 33 and 45. 

God’s perfect will denotes His master plan – Ephesians Chapter 1 verses 9 to 11, Romans Chapter 12 verse 2.. God’s perfect will is absolute and unchangeable - Psalm 33 verse 11, Matthew Chapter 6 verse 10.  When things happening in your life on earth are consistent with what is happening in heaven; then you are in the perfect will of God. The perfect will of God is the place where God wants you to be. And when you call on God here, He answers you. God’s will has to be acceptable before it is perfect.