Friday, March 31, 2017

Wisdom Promotes

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

The God advantage is enough for you to overtake. All you need is the combination of divine wisdom, knowledge and understanding. There is a link between wisdom, knowledge and understanding (the difference between right and wrong) that helps one to make right choices); knowledge to drive out ignorance.

Wisdom is having a keen insight into life and the ways of dealing with life’s issues; an understanding of practical skills of life. It is also conduct that is orderly and morally upright. Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore devote time to acquiring wisdom. The blessings of wisdom include promotion; that is being lifted above your contemporaries; honor which translates into respect; favor which translates into goodwill and preferential treatment; glory which births radiance and beauty. The pursuit of wisdom is therefore critical.

There are two kinds of wisdom, earthly wisdom and heavenly wisdom (James Chapter 3 verses 13 to 18, Matthew Chapter 11 verse 19). Earthly wisdom is the natural way of doing things. One of its key attributes is that it is self seeking, envious and jealously competitive, and does not celebrate the talents and victories of others. It is always creating confusion and disorderliness. It cannot stand order. It is boastful and seeks to be recognized.

Heavenly wisdom is not dubious, has no hidden agenda and can be trusted. It is peaceable – live at peace with all men, gentle in disposition, tolerant, merciful, produces good fruits and results. It is sincere, no hypocrisy or lies.

Wisdom brings promotion that is not dependent on age, education, expertise, experience. Rather, it is dependent on God. Daniel was ten times better because he operated with the wisdom of God that God blessed him with. He received astronomical promotion.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Open Heavens

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Open doors, open windows
Opportunities, platforms, springboards, launchpads
So many of them to choose from
How do I tell which is mine?
How do I know which one to walk through?
Salvation, hell, poverty, wealth, obedience, disobedience
Then I hear His voice
This is the way;
I am the Way, the Truth and the Life
Come in through My door and have life and all that pertains to life and godliness.

Open the heavens, my father
Pour out your abundant grace
Grace to obey You
To be diligent, excel
And bring glory to Your name.

Purge my heart of everything
That stands against Your will
And free me to receive
Abundant grace
That transforms and elevates.

Enrich my heart with Your word
Fill me afresh with Your Spirit
Empower me to obey You
Love You and harvest souls

Save the lost and dying
To populate heaven
Fulfill the great commission
And bring glory to Your name.

Command Respect and Authority

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

God made man to rule. As a priest, you serve but as a king you rule. Please see Genesis Chapter 1 verse 28. One of the most instruments a king needs to rule is the ability to make decrees to rule (Proverbs Chapter 8 verse 15). Decrees on the other hand are made with words (Ecclesiastes Chapter 8 verse 4). The word power means the ability to produce and effect results. The moment a king’s word loses the effect; the king loses his throne. If a king’s word cannot move his subjects, he has lost his throne.

God created you to rule. As a child of God, when you speak, something must happen. Where the word of a king is there is power (Ecclesiastes Chapter 8 verse 4). This power is the ability to affect people to get the outcomes you want from them.  For your words to make things happen, you must be flexible in His hands. You should be like the clay in the potter’s hands. Please see Matthew Chapter 4 verses 19 to 25. How flexible are you in His hands? The only person that has the power to make you is the person you follow. True discipleship in Christ Jesus confers ownership and ruler ship of resources as one is divinely aligned with the king of kings, Lord of lords and the true owner and Ruler of all resources. When you progress to true discipleship in Christ, everything becomes yours and everything is added to you. That is why the process of becoming a true disciple is much more important and critical than seeking for bread. Multitudes followed Jesus for the bread but the disciples followed Him for a change because that change was necessary. Following just for bread does not empower you to rule. Therefore, seek first the kingdom of God because if you are genuinely following Him, things will follow you.

The Church should be stronger than what she is presently if only believers follow Him for who He is and not things. The Church should learn to fish and own the pond rather than asking for fish. Believers should be taught both how to fish and how to own the ponds so their fishing enterprises are sustainable. That way, they will have the mind of Christ through discipleship and ultimately always supersede the devil by introducing the mind of Christ and not fighting him.

For instance, the lion roared against Samson to stop him but Samson killed the lion. Beloved, you are also divinely capacitated to roar back at any lion that roars against you by decreeing the judgment of God against such lions.  You will tear the lions with your decrees in Jesus mighty name. You have entered the season in your life when every word you speak must produce an effect so that you can rule effectively in the midst of your enemies.

Every time Jesus Christ spoke, all of creation obeyed. Jesus spoke what had to come to pass in spite of all contradictory evidences. Please see Luke Chapter 5 verses 1 to 10, John Chapter 21 verses 5 to 11, Isaiah Chapter 55 verses 8 to 13. You can command respect and authority if you have great divine communication skills. Speak as God speaks and you command respect and authority. Speak where God wants you to speak and speak what God wants you to speak. There is a way to issue commands and they are immediately carried out. There is a way to ask questions and you get answers. There is a way to make requests and get the requests approved and granted.

Elevate Your Tastes

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Where you are presently, no matter how seemingly satisfying it is; is a place of transition. You have to keep moving up the ladder, updating yourself spiritually, physically, martially, intellectually, emotionally, financially and materially. You should continue to add color to every area of your life. For instance, you are obligated to dress to match the position and resources God placed at your disposal. A person’s dressence and grooming to a large extent is a reflection of where the person is headed in life. Some cuts and style of clothes reflect rigidity and a refusal to move with the times. Such people are usually stuck in their ways and will not move in any new direction. In some cases, it is as a result of ignorance or lack. Once such people are empowered, they will move in the new direction God wants them to move in.

Be open to fresh unctions, changes from God. Change is a constant and necessary ingredient for progress. Change your methods to match who and where you are. It is time to move up the ladder. Move out of limiting environments, relationships and circumstances at the speed of light. Identify what God does not want you to carry into the new things He is doing in your life. They could be fear, doubt, disempowering relationships, limiting thought patterns, study habits, eating habits, etc. For instance, when experience becomes tradition, it becomes dangerous because experience boxed in becomes bags of limitations.

Therefore, innovate, create and impact through possibility thinking, possibility speaking and possibility implementation to get to the top and stay at the top where you will be celebrated. There is an anointing for staying at the top. Get the anointing, get to the top and remain there. Make your stay at the top permanent. Get there and stay there. Stop coming back to ignorance, obscurity and mediocrity.

One way of making your stay at the top permanent is to expand the time you spend with God. That is the start point for elevating your tastes. Spend more time with God in the closet. Operate a more organized prayer life that should become the norm in your life. A diligent and fervent prayer life on a daily basis that is not by might nor by power but by the Spirit of God is what you require. Please see James Chapter 5 verses 16 to 18. A fervent prayer life is one of the keys that will improve and elevate your taste. Pray more, study the Bible more, talk less – prophesy when God wants you to and keep quiet when you are not prophesying. Grow spiritually in prayer, word study, praise/worship, evangelism, intercession. As you continue serious and sincere in prayer, be very careful to notice any signs of danger or trouble and give thanks. Be alert, be devoted, have a thankful heart (Colossians Chapter 4 verse 2).

Wait for God

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

God promotes to show forth His glory in life. He does not need to consult anyone to promote you. Promotions are orchestrated by God and there is a due time for God’s promotion (Habakkuk Chapter 2 verses 2 to 3). God has His own timing for everyone (Ecclesiastes Chapter 3 verse 11).  Beloved, it is just a matter of time. I see God bringing you to His rest for you in every area of your life – marriage, financial, spiritual. You will move from glory to glory in Jesus mighty name.

Joseph’s case is a classic case study of exponential divine promotion which is usually beyond human imagination. The king sent for him. He did not seek to see Pharaoh. Joseph had no status, no background that could have made it possible for him to see Pharaoh yet God orchestrated the meeting by creating a need that only Joseph could meet in the heart and life of Pharaoh. Only God decides who occupies positions of high authority and greatness and it can be exponential and can happen suddenly. Please see Genesis Chapter 41, 1st Samuel Chapter 2 verse 8.

God had a plan for Joseph’s life though hatred made his brothers attempt to kill him and in the end, they sold him into slavery. If Joseph had remained with his father, he would not have succeeded. Also, he could not manage his thought processes and always said things as they were. He was not diplomatic and discreet. He shared openly his dreams. Please see Chapter 37 verses 2 to 11.  For Joseph to make it in life, he had to shed being Daddy’s boy (Genesis Chapter 39 verse 4, John Chapter 12 verse 24).   Joseph was served at home but in Egypt he learnt to serve. The place of service is the place of training. As Joseph served, he was made General Overseer, learning administrative skills that became necessary as the Prime Minister of Egypt. Joseph was also trained to be more diplomatic and discreet. His choice and use of language at the time he stood before Pharaoh to interpret Pharaoh’s dream are clear indications of his spiritual and mental development.

God was perfecting Joseph in the place of interpreting dreams. He depended on God for the interpretation of the dreams. Please see Genesis Chapter 41 verse 14. What you do not perfect you cannot handle. Some of the assignments you are assigned are actually designed for your promotion. God does not promote lazy people. You limit the life of a person when you encourage shortcuts. What you do not pay a price for, you do not value. If you refuse to manage challenges so that they become stepping stones, you are likely to perceive challenges as uphill tasks that should be avoided at all costs. As Joseph remained under the tutelage of God, he made progress. Please see Genesis Chapter 47 verse 20.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Build and Enhance Your Capacity for Success

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Success does not fall on anyone like a bag of cherries. It is also not a catch phrase to be thrown around. Success comes by being engaged in divine purposes that are built,  enhanced and consolidated over a period of time.

Every vision or idea is a function of capacity. That is to say that capacity precedes the implementation of every idea or vision. For every assignment, there must be relevant capacity from heaven to carry out the task. This is because visions are driven on the basis of capacity and not passion. Passion is not a substitute for capacity as a lack of capacity will show up in capacity gaps as you implement your ideas or vision without adequate capacity.

A person’s capacity acquired or received is a measure of a person’s gifted ability to perform a task or assignment. Therefore, always evaluate your capacity to midwife a vision or assignment to a successful end. Have sufficient capacity before embarking on implementation. If you discover that you lack capacity, or your capacity requires strengthening then be willing to put your vision on hold until you have sufficient capacity to midwife the vision. It is a misconception to think that capacity comes with the vision. The vision comes and then you receive the capacity to implement the vision by beginning a process of capacity acquisition through capacity building and strengthening activities based on your capacity evaluation. Please see Luke Chapter 14 verse 28.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Do not Limit God

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Is it possible to limit God? Yes. How? By acting in the flesh, ( Psalm 78 verses 41, 9 to 11), by fretting over the future, by complaining, murmuring and grumbling as well as trusting in the arm of flesh.

A mindset characterized by worry and anxiety cannot inherit the promises of God. This is because such a mindset is besieged by fear, lack of faith and trust in the ability of God to do the seemingly impossible. Such a mindset will neither see nor perceive the goodness of God. Neither seeing nor perceiving culminates in not receiving either. God's goodness and mercies will continually pass you by (Matthew Chapter 6 verses 23 to 24).

You probably skimp and worry about tomorrow because you have no idea what lies ahead, whether there will be provision or not. Besides, you are used to lack and having to beg and borrow, and worry, never having peace. But the Owner and Creator of tomorrow, God the FATHER, Jehovah Nissi says,

“let not your heart be troubled. I own tomorrow. I created tomorrow and significantly you, so that you can function in my plans and purposes for tomorrow. Why then should I abandon you to tomorrow without my plans and strategy for you to make it through and beyond tomorrow to so many other tomorrows. All you need do is abide in Me, cling to Me, and you have My plans and strategy for a greater tomorrow and many other tomorrows”.

When a person internalizes doubts to the point of not only expressing them but allowing the doubts to guide and mislead him or her; resulting in loss of faith and confidence in God, the person limits God because at that point, unbelief has set in (Matthew Chapter 13 verses 54 to 58). However, if you choose to trust God and believe Him for good to come your way, then you will experience and enjoy incredible and astounding good things from God. God uses His word to make a way where there is no way. God watches over His word to perform His word and not your fears, worries and anxieties.


Written By Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha
Innovate! On what?
Anger, deep seated resentment, bitterness and hatred?
Unforgiveness, ill will, curses and determined vendetta?
Profane fires, error, doctrines of men?
Hypocrisy, men pleasing, the pride of life?
Insubordination, jealousies, envy?
Evil communication?
Quest for power and positions; fame?
Complaints, murmurs and grumblings?
Worries, anxieties, doubts and unbelief?
Fear, Selfishness?

Innovate! Yes.
On Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, Respect
Humility, Contrite hearts, Submission
Affirmation, Faith, The Word of God
Read, studied, understood, internalized and obeyed
Selfless service to God and humanity
Evangelism, Intercession, Praise, Thanksgiving

Bask in His Favor

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Favor comes from God and significantly, the favor of God comes with numerous blessings that elevate a person from the ash heap of life to limelight, significance and honor. Esther was favored by God and became Queen. The favor of God elevates. Therefore, take advantage of God’s favor in your life to do exploits that will elevate you beyond your present position in life.
The favor of God comes with myriad blessings that are spiritual, physical, mental, financial, intellectual, etc. Beloved, God does not consult human beings before blessing His children with favor. He gives His favor to those who fear Him and honor Him. Keep loving Him and honoring Him so that you will experience immeasurable favor from Him. You will also be favored by God to become who God created you to be.

The favor of God also comes with the divine responsibility of accomplishing divine purposes. A number of young people enjoyed the favor of God in the Bible but they also used the favor to accomplish great things for God. Joseph, Daniel, Esther and Nehemiah were greatly favored by God and served the purposes of God for their lives.

As a child of God, you are divinely favored to do exploit for God and humanity through the gifts of God in you. Therefore, maximize the gifts of God in you and succeed through the favor of God so that you become an inspiration and blessing to other people. Start today what you have to do and experience God’s encompassing favor as you step out in faith. Do not neglect the gift that is in you…. 1st Timothy Chapter 4 verse 14.

God Cares

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

In my lifetime as a Minister of the gospel of Christ, a Counselor, an Intercessor, a child, a wife, a parent, a trainer/speaker, researcher, writer, editor and what ever else I have done and am still doing, I dare say that I have come across many people, black, white and coloreds, globally and nationally. I have also seen many faces, beautiful faces, sad faces, angry faces, hungry faces, worried faces, fearful and anxious faces. Yet none has left such an impression on me as the very hungry faces that are hungry, not for food, material things or wealth, not even knowledge but for love.

They are hungry for someone to love them, own them, appreciate them, celebrate them and protect them in a world they are struggling to understand. What pain fills their hearts and reflects in their sad faces, their rebellion and aggression coupled with the inferiority complex that lack of love fosters on people!

Apart from weeping in my heart and praying for such people when I see them, I also long to share a smile, beautiful words of love and encouragement God regularly plants in my heart for such people. Sometimes they respond but at other times, the very deeply hungry who wonder if they could ever find love on this side of the universe just ignore such advances. Too bad! My tears go deeper into intercession for them so that someday they will know and understand the love that is greater than all loves and that can completely fill the aching void in their hearts.