Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Ignore Distractions to Succeed

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

A distraction is anything which takes your attention or focus away from what, where God wants you to pay attention to or focus on. Distractions are also tasks which are not divinely assigned to you. These tasks may appear to be very urgent but as long as they are nor divinely assigned to you, they are not priority irrespective of how urgent they appear to be. Ignore them and focus on your divinely assigned tasks.

Ironically, distractions are not always or necessarily annoying circumstances or persons. They are sometimes very mouthwatering offers which are difficult to refuse.  The devil made such offers to Jesus Christ during the temptation but because Jesus was focused on divine purpose, He ignored the devil’s offers. No offer from anyone was greater than His divine purpose and mission on planet earth. Please read Luke Chapter 4 verses 1 to 12 and Matthew Chapter 4 verses 1 to 11.

Sennecherib also made mouthwatering offers of food security to the people of Judah if they would surrender to him and serve his gods. But the people of Judah under the godly leadership of King Hezekiah refused to be distracted from serving Jehovah, the El-Shaddai. They ignored Sennecherib and his threats of destroying Jerusalem. God honored their decision to focus on Him and destroyed both Sennecherib and his seemingly invincible army which was destroyed in one night by a single angel. Please read Isaiah Chapters 36 to 37 for details.

While some distractions come with threats and carrots and supposedly irresistible mouthwatering offers, some are veiled or disguised attempts to infiltrate divine purpose and activities in order to distract the work and bring it to a complete stop. A case in point was when the Jews were rebuilding the Temple in Jerusalem. Some people offered to help not because they truly wanted to help but because they wanted to infiltrate the people and the work in order to stop it and destroy it. But because the leadership of the people were sensitive to the Spirit of God, they refused such satanic assistance. Though their refusal culminated in threats and all kinds of ploys to stop the work by the seemingly helpful oppositions; God ensured that the work continued and the Temple was completed. Sanballat and his cohorts also attempted to stop the rebuilding of the broken down walls of Jerusalem; deploying several tricks such as ridicule, lies, infiltrating some of the Jews, intimidation and threats. Fortunately. Nehemiah and his men refused to be distracted from divine purpose. The walls were completely rebuilt to the glory of God.

Beloved, the enemy is well schooled in using distractions to interfere and stop divine purposes and activities. He attempted to use it against Joseph in Egypt through the sinful propositions of the very immoral and shameless wife of Potiphar on a daily basis. As she daily harassed Joseph, hoping Joseph would cave in; God strengthened Joseph to focus on holy living and divine purpose. Though Joseph eventually served an unjust prison sentence on account of the lies she told to mask her sexual harassment of Joseph, God vindicated Joseph and took him to the pinnacle of divine purpose.

Beloved, be focused on tasks divinely assigned to you. Focus on God, His will for your life and pursue His divine purpose for your life. Move up in God. Cut out what you do not need, what is not useful to you; does not add value to your life so that you will have room to accommodate what brings value to your life; what you need to achieve divine purpose.

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