Sunday, August 7, 2016

Supersede Expectations

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

You can supersede expectations, the expectations of people, your industry as well as the expectations you set for yourself if only you will look up to God for help to direct you in as many ways as you require help. God is always in the business of teaching His children to profit. Please see Isaiah Chapter 48 verse 17. As He instructs you in the way to go, I advise that you internalize His counsel and work with them. Nevertheless, here are some tips on how to supersede expectations gleaned from time spent with the Holy Spirit.

You can supersede expectations by looking after your field and exercising dominion in your field. The question then is what does it take to exercise dominion in your field? By knowing your field perfectly - for instance, get to know what goes on in your field as well as what needs to be done differently. Be sufficiently informed about your field so that you have superior knowledge that will make you superior to other people in your field. Do not be monotonous and therefore easily predictable. Learn something new and add to what you already know. That will help you to innovate on what is happening in your field as well as help you remain in the field. You will not then move from your field because it is happening in other fields. Rather, you will succeed and make an impact in that field based on your understanding of who you are and what you are capable of doing, knowing that other peoples fields are not your God given field for you to exercise dominion. Significantly, there is no best business, profession or field in the world as every business has its successes and failures.

Therefore, position yourself to receive the hidden riches in your field by creating value in yourself as well as the services or products you offer. People buy value and if you create and sell value, people will buy you; your services or products and the hidden riches and wealth of your field will gravitate to you.

Additionally, look outside of your field to get best practices that can be replicated to upscale in your field. It is also significant to spend time on thinking for creativity. This is because thinkers, especially strategic thinkers rule the world. Moreover, you are most privileged because you have the Holy Spirit to guide you and refine your thinking. Too much activity does not bring about innovation but sufficient strategic thinking broadens your horizons and clarifies your vision. Therefore, create time to think. Ideally that time should be when great ideas come to you. If you do not know, then find out and utilize that time to advantage. Also, consider the following when you think:
  • Write down ideas that come to you.
  • Answer questions that arise from your thinking sessions. The answers may not come immediately as you may need to source them from other people or resources that may not be readily available to you during your thinking sessions. Therefore, ask questions and do not rule out people beneath you. You may be shocked at who has the answers you seek.
  • Discover your mistakes and how to rectify them.
  • Think about what could go wrong so that you factor the risks and prepare the mitigating actions so that you can start mitigating immediately the risks appear.
  • Understand the resources you need to take actions and access them as quickly as you ought to.

Finally, it is time for you to take your rightful place on Success Street as it is God’s will for you to be at the top. If anyone should succeed, it is YOU. See you there. Shalom.

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