Friday, August 5, 2016

Dare to Succeed

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Break barriers, leapfrog limitations, rein in your thoughts and emotions, refuse to be overwhelmed and overburdened by situations that appear to be challenging and intimidating by controlling your thoughts and emotions and focusing on your God given goal to succeed in His plans and purposes for your life. Please see Joshua Chapter 1 verse 8, Deuteronomy Chapter 28 verses 12 to 13.

Ignore catcalls and sniggers, whispers, deliberate provocations from people and situations determined to stop you from making progress. Instead, pay attention to your goal. Nehemiah ignored all the contrivances of Sanballat, Tobiah, Geshem and their other cohorts. The gates of Jerusalem were rebuilt and repaired. Please see the book of Nehemiah. Ezra and his fellow workmen under the leadership of Zerubabbel, Governor of Judah completed the task of rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem despite the stiff opposition to the task. They chose to and dared to succeed. Please read the entire book of Ezra for great insight into this amazing story of a people’s determination and courage to succeed in spite of all odds.

Success does not come cheap. It is usually fraught with challenges every step of the way. You therefore need to develop a healthy self image of yourself as self confidence is a major criterion for success. It is a fundamental principle of success and also a major secret to success. This is because how you see and feel about yourself has a tremendous impact on your success as well as how you will set out to achieve purpose and fulfill divine destiny.

A healthy self esteem based on who God says you are in His Word will mobilize you to engage in successful activities and relationships. Therefore, do not give room to poor self esteem irrespective of whatever the circumstances are, how negative past experiences were and what people say about you. Rather, focus on who and what God says about you which is a true reflection of who you are - a lender to the nations, the head and not the tail, a royal priesthood, a holy nation and a peculiar people. See you at Success Street. Shalom.

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