Monday, August 22, 2016

You are a Channel of Blessing

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

There is a difference between being blessed and being a blessing. God blessed you to be a blessing to other people, a conduit of God’s blessings to other people. This makes you a distributor of blessings and not a custodian of blessings. The circles of blessings are - be blessed, give, be blessed again and give again, an endless circle of receiving and giving. This implies that every blessing you receive must flow to other people to enjoy. If you stop being a blessing, you automatically stop the flow of blessings. Please see Galatians Chapter 6 verses 9 to 10. That is why every opportunity to give should be taken advantage of.

Secondly, each time God blesses you is an opportunity to for you o be a channel of blessing. There are people that are divinely connected to you to for you to bless them and as you bless them, you cause joy and thanksgiving to God which further expands your blessings and your capacity to be a blessing.  2nd Corinthians Chapter 9 verses 8 to 15. However, if your refuse to bless them by giving whatever God expects you to give them, you cause pain and of course interrupt the flow of blessings to you. God put something in your hand to be a blessing and every time you allow yourself to be God’s source of blessing to someone else. God will always reward you. And significantly, you can never out give God no matter what you give. God will always out give whatever you give in His name. King Solomon’s sacrifice appeared great until God reciprocated.

The level to which you are prepared to be a blessing is the level to which you are blessed. That is why the Bible says that God gives seed to the sower and bread to the eater. Seed sowers multiply seeds as they serve as God’s conduit pipes of blessings to humanity. That is why they multiply and increase to become very prosperous and successful. Bread eaters on the other hand consume bread and the bread stops with them, in fact gets digested and is passed out as waste without necessarily blessing anyone.

Abraham was blessing. The widow of Zarephath was a blessing. The young man who gave up his lunch for the feeding of the multitudes was a blessing. Joseph was a blessing. He used his gift of interpreting dreams as well as problem solving skill to avert famine and hunger in both Egypt and the world then. Daniel was a blessing. Esther was a blessing. The Apostle Paul was a blessing. Nehemiah was a blessing.

Mark Zuckerberg is a blessing. Bill Gates is a blessing, Warren Buffet is a blessing. Larry Page is a blessing. So also are Sergei Brin and many other people whom God has used to bless the world through their technological inventions and wise counsel. You are also one and the world is waiting to benefit from you. Therefore, hurry up and release those blessings on those waiting to blessed by you.

Always, remember that God blesses you to be a channel of His blessings to humanity. Do not hoard the blessings of God upon your life. Release them to the body for kingdom purposes. Be willing to serve and impact lives. After all you are a distributor of God’s abundance and resources. Stay successful as a globally acclaimed channel of God’s blessings. Shalom.

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