Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Pay Attention to Priorities

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

One of the ways to succeed in life is to pay attention to priorities. What are priorities? The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines priority as something that is more important than other things and that needs to be done or dealt with first. priorities: the things that someone cares about and thinks are important. : the condition of being more important than something or someone else and therefore coming or being dealt with ...www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/priority.

This implies that priorities are more important than what may appear very urgent. True, there is some urgency that should be attended to especially a life threatening situation over a priority. However, there are some urgent situations that should never take the place of priorities. For instance, if a non life threatening situation that is not a priority, is not on your priority list of activities and is designed to infringe on your time; what to do is to ignore it completely and leave to the person who created it to deal with it. There are people who through their non chalance create urgent situations that should never arise if they paid adequate attention to their tasks for other people with whom they work. Unfortunately, they usually do not have the capacity to manage such urgent situations and are usually glad to pass them on to people busy on the way to Success Street. 

If you consistently take on such urgent situations and ignore your priorities, you will not  only slow your journey to Success Street; you may even forget it altogether as you will invest a greater part of your time and expertise managing the inefficiencies and irresponsibility of other people who do not give a hoot as to where Success Street is and have no intention of getting there.

The worst disservice you can do to yourself is to pay attention to what may appear urgent but has absolutely no bearing on God’s divine plans and purposes for your life. This is because what may appear very urgent but which is not necessarily a priority robs you of precious time required to activate success in your life. Therefore, always ask God for the wisdom to discern between priorities and urgencies. That way, you will concentrate efforts managing priorities and speed up your journey to Success Street. Shalom.

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