Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Enhance Your Brand 1

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

A brand is the sum total of your true worth, capabilities and influence.  This includes your contacts – all the people you know that can support your brand. Your brand is wealth worth billions if only you know what to do with the brand.

The Presence of God is what you need to enhance your brand. To start with, you did not create your brand. God created you and your brand and He alone knows how you can enhance your brand. That is why you need His Presence in your life to enhance the brand. Besides, He designed that brand in you for a purpose and therefore knows best what you need to enhance that brand to suit the divine purpose for which He created that brand in you.

Jeremiah for instance was divinely designed as a prophet unto the nations and within the makeup of a prophet unto the nations are special characteristics required to function effectively in that brand. Jeremiah obviously had to develop and perfect those characteristics over time in order to be effective in that brand. To achieve this, Jeremiah had to depend on God completely to develop and perfect the characteristics that would enhance his brand as a prophet unto the nations.

Daniel was a skilled administrator in the Babylonian kingdom, the then dominant world power. He served a number of kings and consistently remained relevant, significant and dominant and eventually rose to the number two position in the kingdom despite the opposition he faced from his envious colleagues. Daniel achieved this by totally depending on God. Please see Daniel Chapters 2 verses 16 to 23, and 6 verse 10. In addition, Daniel utilized every skill and expertise God blessed him with diligently (Daniel Chapter 1 verses 17 to 20). One of the strengths of Daniel is that he had the tongue of the learned - he always spoke with wisdom (Daniel Chapter 1 verse 8, 2 verses 14 to 16, 17).

Joseph was divinely endowed with the gift of interpreting dreams; resolving knotty problems yet Joseph never ascribed the power to do so to himself. He ascribed the power to God. But most importantly, Joseph depended totally on God, celebrating the Presence of God in his life more than anything. That explains why he refused to sin against God and his master despite the daily harassments and fierce temptation from the morally decrepit wife of Potiphar, his master.
Additionally, the Presence of God in the life of Joseph kept him from harboring grudges, bearing malice, being bitter and unforgiving. Joseph not only forgave everyone who hurt and maligned him; he also used his position and resources to bless them. Please see Genesis Chapters 50 verses 15 to 21, 45 verses 1 to 15.

Beloved, enhance your brand with the awesome sanctifying Presence of God – that is what will make your brand stand out in the crowd. Mouawad is about the newest handbag designer yet she has made and sold the most expensive bag worth three million United States of America dollars because she took advantage of what all designers know – embellish bags with precious stones and gold, silver and diamonds and you have a world class bag that gets into the Guinness Book of Records. So it is not necessarily the number of years you spend in ministry, business, career, etc but the Presence of God in your life that gives you the cutting edge you need to enhance your brand and outshine your competition to success. The greatest thing that can happen to anybody is to have the indwelling Presence of God; to be led and guided and taught by God at all times. Nothing compares to such privilege and luxury. See you at Success Street. Shalom.

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