Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Stay Relevant, Significant and Dominant

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Joseph became globally relevant, significant and dominant after he proffered solutions to the emergent problems/challenges posed by the interpretation of Pharaoh’s dreams. At the point where Joseph went to prison, he was emerging nationally, becoming visible and accepted because God gave him favor. That was why he led in prison despite the fact that he was falsely accused of a crime he did not commit. But greater emergence, visibility and acceptance came when Joseph interpreted the dreams of the imprisoned butler and the baker of Pharaoh. Joseph’s acceptance and visibility soared and Joseph became nationally visible, relevant, and significant when when he was called upon to interpret Pharaoh’s dreams. However, national relevance, significance, and dominance soared to global visibility, relevance significance and dominance when he proffered the solutions to the emergent problems and subsequently appointed next in rank to Pharaoh to implement the solutions he proffered. He was now a globally visible, relevant, significant and dominant leader controlling global resources in an efficient and effective manner – doing the job right and doing the right job.

To achieve global relevance, significance and dominance, you must be effective and efficient – you should be doing the right job as well as doing the job right.

Daniel, Joseph, Mordecai and Esther proffered solutions that were urgently required and became relevant, significant and dominant. The indebted prophet’s widow provided a product that met the needs of her customers. That explains why she was  able to sell off her products to pay off the debts as well as have enough to live on.

Divine Keys to Global Timeless Relevance, Significance and Dominance

Develop to high accent and sustain timeless cutting edge problem solving skills – Joseph and Daniel proffered timeless cutting edge solutions at personal, family, community, national and global levels at different times in their lives. At every point, they were relevant, significant and dominant because the cutting edge solutions they provided served the specific needs of the day. When other problems showed up, they also provided fresh solutions - that made them timeless -  as long as they lived, they were sought after continuously to proffer solutions to any emerging or emerged problems of the day. They therefore became relevant, significant and dominant at all levels and at every point in time. From serving faithfully in Potiphar’s house and bringing about a transformation in that family, doing same in prison, interpreting correctly the dreams of the butler and the baker, then the center stage of interpreting Pharaoh’s dreams: and the unrivaled wisdom in implementing the ideas and strategies he proffered successfully.

Joseph so successfully implemented the strategies especially that of gathering the abundance and storing it up for the years of famine so that when the people cried to Pharaoh in the years of famine, he referred them to Joseph with the instruction that they were to do whatever Joseph asked them to do – Genesis Chapter 41 verse 55. The people obeyed Pharaoh, obeyed Joseph and did everything Joseph instructed them to do – Genesis Chapter 47 verses 12 to 26. For more than fourteen years, Joseph ruled in the affairs of Egypt – I say this because he gave the people seed to sow - you do not sow in famine – you sow as the land begins to experience favorable weather conditions that can support agriculture.

People are searching for answers, cutting edge solutions to challenges and problems that assail them. If they can find those answers and solutions in your God given wisdom, then you have the center stage  - provide/proffer solutions and answers and then take charge as Joseph did – the Bible records that Joseph did the selling of the grain to all the people of the land – how he achieved such a feat I have no idea but what is significant here is that he exercised dominion, he was in control, he took charge, he did not do all the gathering up for just anyone to do the selling and the money would develop wings or stories would be told. He was completely in charge and on top of his game (Genesis Chapter 42 verse 6). Joseph achieved financial and economic dominance because he controlled the sales after he provided the resources to be sold in the different sales points across the country. 

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