Sunday, August 7, 2016

Enriched and Enlarged for Success 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Chares-Iyoha

The divine enrichment and enlargement for success comes through the planting of seeds - Psalm 126 verses 5 to 6. Seeds vary but irrespective of the diversity of seeds, they all have a common charateristic. They must be planted to produce harvests. While it is the responsibility of humans to plant seeds it is the responsibility of God to produce harvests through His myriad blessings upon seeds that are planted. That is why anyone expecting harvests should plant seeds. The Bible in Ecclesiastes Chapter 11 verses 4 to 6 admonishes believers on the need to plant seeds consistently, frequently, always, regularly. In point of fact, the planting of seeds should be a routine with an established pattern so that the seeds planted can produce the desired harvests. This is to say that giving in whatever form is not a one off activity. Significantly, God initiates and empowers us to do the giving – Ephesians Chapter 2 verse 10.

For instance, God expects your tithes to be consistent. You are to give as your inflow comes in. Your tithe obligations as well as other seeds must be consistent. Inconsistent giving is disobedience. Therefore create a personal pattern and routine or schedule for giving on the respective soils God assigned to you. Please see 1st Corinthians Chapter 16 verses 1 to 2. When you plant consistently, your harvests are consistent but inconsistent planting births inconsistent harvests. Therefore, to receive consistent harvests, consistent inflow, your giving should be consistent. Tithing is a lifestyle of obedience that should be done consistently. Planting and reaping is a circle – Genesis Chapter 8 verse 22. It is a continuous activity. You can experience the power of routine and consistent giving. If you break it, you interrupt the flow of your harvests.

Do not wait for perfect time or conditions. If you are waiting for a convenient time to plant, you will have gaps and delayed harvests. Do not look at the wind which represents the unpaid bills and the financial challenges that may discourage you from planting seeds. Instead, plant and God will give you a harvest. The key is to focus on regularity in your giving. Some of the reasons for inconsistent giving are lack of faith and unbelief. If faith and confidence in God consistently wavers and care is not taken to address them, it will lead to doubts – James Chapter 1 verses 6 to 7. The panacea is faith.

Some people give emotionally. They are emotional givers who give because someone whips up their emotions. God does not like such giving. He prefers it when you give as a lifestyle; you cultivate a pattern/routine for giving. Please see Philippians Chapter 2 verse 19.

There are people God ordained for you to do good works to. Do not ignore them. They are powerful soils in which God wants you to plant. These are people critical to your assignment; people who have helped or supported you through the years to get to where you are in life. Appreciate them. Do not be too busy or preoccupied to remember and appreciate them. Do not be forgetful and negligent. Also, there are people God inspires you to bless through flashes. God knows that it is human nature to forget which is why He reminds you through the flashes. God has different ways of reminding us to plant. One of them is through the book of remembrance – Esther Chapter 6 verses 1 to 14.To forget is negligence. There are seasons of planting that are critical to breakthroughs that are coming your way. Take advantage of them.

God is the One Who has the capacity and power to compound the little you have into abundance. Why hold back that little from God and continue to suffer insufficiency when simple obedience to release the little compounds it? God is interested in routine. Be a consistent giver to be a recipient of consistent harvests. If you do not give consistently, your harvests will be fragmented, truncated – Galatians Chapter 6 verse 9.

Beloved, take a quality decision to always and routinely plant seeds that will ensure your continued stay at Success Street. Shalom.

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