Tuesday, August 9, 2016

You Are a Success Story

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

You are a success story waiting to be celebrated. But the waiting period does not have to be long. They can be tremendously shortened if only you will allow God to jump start you with His divine potentials and deposits inside of you. God deposited greatness and resounding success inside of you. But you need to discover them and surrender them to God. The seed for the tree is inside the tree. Find the seed that is inside the tree. It is your responsibility to identify and dig it out – Genesis Chapter 1 verse 12. God wants to use what is in your hand.  Look for what is in your hand. God will show you what you need to turn your life around. You can live a life of daily successes manifested in diverse miracles, signs and wonders if we make a true inventory of our potentials, find them and put them down. God wants you to make an inventory of the potentials in you. Within every human being are miracles, potentials waiting to be untapped. They are in there and may not even show an outward sign. If God could send Moses with a shepherd stick to Pharaoh, a global leader of his day, it means that God does not take account of your abilities. He only sees your possibilities.

There are special callings and purposes waiting inside of you to be discovered and used for God’s glory. However, what God will use that belongs to you must be surrendered to Him so that it can be used the way He wants you to use it. This is because whatever is surrendered to God automatically becomes the rod of God even as the rod of Moses became the rod of God. But it must first be given to God by casting it on the ground. The Apostle Paul learnt something from God when he was faced with insurmountable challenges – 1st Corinthians 12 verse 9. He realized that grace is given to accomplish great things. This means that what you consider a seeming limited ability can accomplish great things if surrendered to God so that the grace of God takes over. Significantly, it is only when it is surrendered that grace is given to it – Exodus Chapter 3 verse 5. Holy ground is where God is. Therefore, anything you lay on holy ground is empowered by the Holy Ghost. God can use what you surrender to Him to revolutionize your life.  What is not surrendered remains lifeless and unproductive.

Whatever success you are trusting God for is in your hand, intricately connected to your divinely endowed abilities, gifts and calling. Therefore, do not allow the enemy to make you into someone you are not, to distort your understanding of who you are. You are a wonder holding all the divine keys to your God given success in your hands. You will do exploits with these keys and be celebrated globally. You are not a failure but a SUCCESS. Ask God to help you see the miracle seed that is inside of you. See you at Success Street. Shalom.

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