Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Unlock Abundant Financial Resources

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Abundant financial resources can be yours for the unlocking if only your ears are attentive to divine instructions and you take a step further in obeying divine instructions. Obedience To divine instructions always unlocks abundant financial resources.

Jesus Christ instructed Peter to go to the sea, cast in a hook and take the fish that came up first. He was to open up the mouth of this fish because there was a piece of money in it that would cover their temple taxes.

Beloved, the surest way to access financial resources is obedience to divine instructions and significantly, divine instructions are always clear and specific. Jesus Christ instructed Peter to take the fish that came up first. This implies that several fishes would come up but it was the one that came up first that had the piece of money they required to pay their temple taxes. Any other fish that came up after that the first fish would be regular fish for eating and probably selling. The fish assigned the divine task of providing the tax was the first fish that came up. So Jesus gave specific identification tags to Peter, which also explains why He instructed Peter to use a hook, not hooks (cast in a hook) so that the fish on divine assignment which is the one that the hook would catch would be easily identified by Peter.

Jesus was quite specific about the fish that came up first because if Peter delayed and that fish struggled out of the hook or got eaten up by a bigger fish, then Peter would lose the divine financial resources put in that fish by God. Otherwise, Peter could have used nets, caught many fishes and sold them but at that time, divine speed was required to access divinely supplied resources to meet an urgent need so that Jesus Christ would not be  accused of defaulting in the payment of the temple tax. That was why Jesus instructed Peter to go the sea and cast in a hook, and also take up the fish that came up first, open the mouth of the fish and take out the piece of money for the temple tax.

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