Thursday, March 9, 2017

God Cares

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

In my lifetime as a Minister of the gospel of Christ, a Counselor, an Intercessor, a child, a wife, a parent, a trainer/speaker, researcher, writer, editor and what ever else I have done and am still doing, I dare say that I have come across many people, black, white and coloreds, globally and nationally. I have also seen many faces, beautiful faces, sad faces, angry faces, hungry faces, worried faces, fearful and anxious faces. Yet none has left such an impression on me as the very hungry faces that are hungry, not for food, material things or wealth, not even knowledge but for love.

They are hungry for someone to love them, own them, appreciate them, celebrate them and protect them in a world they are struggling to understand. What pain fills their hearts and reflects in their sad faces, their rebellion and aggression coupled with the inferiority complex that lack of love fosters on people!

Apart from weeping in my heart and praying for such people when I see them, I also long to share a smile, beautiful words of love and encouragement God regularly plants in my heart for such people. Sometimes they respond but at other times, the very deeply hungry who wonder if they could ever find love on this side of the universe just ignore such advances. Too bad! My tears go deeper into intercession for them so that someday they will know and understand the love that is greater than all loves and that can completely fill the aching void in their hearts.

God indeed is love and that is what my name, Ogheneuyoyou means. Are you then surprised that I celebrate this name above my other names such as Mercy and Christiana? My heart lights up each time a friend or acquaintance calls me Uyoyou, the short form of the name which is exactly love. The Oghene part is God. Why, you may ask?  Two reasons. The first is that I am reminded that I am owned and loved by the Creator and Owner of the Universe who is love personified and in His infinite mercy gave my parents the wisdom to give me such a beautiful name, God is love. Secondly, I also realize that I carry a great responsibility of loving every other human being as commanded by the Lord Jesus Christ before He left the earth.

Love is beautiful and should be cherished by all who know and understand love. However, the beauty of love is only released when love is shared, not in transient eros but in agape, the love that transcends human understanding.

From Launch Out into the Deep by Uyoyou C. Charles-Iyoha

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