Monday, December 3, 2018

Celebrate Humble Beginnings

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Always celebrate the day of small beginnings because the latter end of any humble beginning always supersedes the beginning and is always great. Please read Zechariah Chapter 4 verse 10, Job Chapters 8 verse 7 and 42 verse 12. Look beyond your present situation to where God is taking you, which He prepared for you from the foundation of the world. Look to that glorious future in Christ Jesus purchased by the precious and priceless blood of Jesus Christ. Take your eyes away from the seemingly possible to the seemingly impossible which can be made possible by God with Whom there are no impossibilities. Please read Mark Chapter 10 verse 27, Luke Chapter 1 verse 37, Matthew Chapter 19 verse 26, Jeremiah Chapter 32 verses 27, 17 to 19 and Genesis Chapter 18 verse 14 for great insight and Holy Spirit inspired understanding to stir up your faith.

Therefore, look away from what appears to be the small insignificant resources presently at your disposal to the greatly possible glorious future God has for you in Christ Jesus. See possibilities, expansion, promotion, and increase, abundance, more than enough because God is the God of overflowing, limitless abundant resources and He can do everything. He always makes a way where there appears to be no way. Please read Isaiah Chapter 43 verses 15 to 19.
The widow of Zarephath had what she referred to as only a handful of flour in a bin, and a little oil in a jar. As if that was not enough despiteful description of God’s blessings in her life, she also concluded that what she had would be their last meal which explained why she was gathering only a couple of sticks; just enough to prepare the last meal and eat before dying of hunger as there would be no other meal to eat again. Eat the only available meal, expire and so be it!

But God had other plans for her, plans greater than her and the great blessings of God that she despised. Why great blessings? Because embedded in what she referred to as only were more than enough resources to feed her, her son and the prophet Elijah for many days; in point of fact, the period of the famine and beyond to when rain was restored and the land could produce grain again. Beloved, that little was what sustained them because God breathed His increase on the supposedly little.

You may have what you probably refer to as little startup capital but that supposedly little startup capital may be all you require at this present time to make billions if only you will allow God to breathe His increase on the little by celebrating it in thanksgiving to God; and even flaunting it like Joseph did with his gifts. Yours may be divine gifts or talents – please do not despise them. Deploy them and watch God transform you from the new talent discovery to celebrated expert in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

To truly prepare for abundance, you must celebrate what is in your hands irrespective of how small or insignificant it appears to you because that is the seed which is required for the increase which will propel you into abundance. Start now and grow big. Shalom.

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