Friday, March 31, 2017

Wisdom Promotes

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

The God advantage is enough for you to overtake. All you need is the combination of divine wisdom, knowledge and understanding. There is a link between wisdom, knowledge and understanding (the difference between right and wrong) that helps one to make right choices); knowledge to drive out ignorance.

Wisdom is having a keen insight into life and the ways of dealing with life’s issues; an understanding of practical skills of life. It is also conduct that is orderly and morally upright. Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore devote time to acquiring wisdom. The blessings of wisdom include promotion; that is being lifted above your contemporaries; honor which translates into respect; favor which translates into goodwill and preferential treatment; glory which births radiance and beauty. The pursuit of wisdom is therefore critical.

There are two kinds of wisdom, earthly wisdom and heavenly wisdom (James Chapter 3 verses 13 to 18, Matthew Chapter 11 verse 19). Earthly wisdom is the natural way of doing things. One of its key attributes is that it is self seeking, envious and jealously competitive, and does not celebrate the talents and victories of others. It is always creating confusion and disorderliness. It cannot stand order. It is boastful and seeks to be recognized.

Heavenly wisdom is not dubious, has no hidden agenda and can be trusted. It is peaceable – live at peace with all men, gentle in disposition, tolerant, merciful, produces good fruits and results. It is sincere, no hypocrisy or lies.

Wisdom brings promotion that is not dependent on age, education, expertise, experience. Rather, it is dependent on God. Daniel was ten times better because he operated with the wisdom of God that God blessed him with. He received astronomical promotion.

Wisdom also enriches. Solomon’s wisdom enriched him because his God given wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the men of the East and all the wisdom of Egypt. Please see 1st Kings Chapters 10 verses 23 to 27, 7 to 10; 3 verses 5 to 15;  4 verses 29 to 31. Because he was wiser than all men, his fame spread amongst the nations (1st Kings Chapters 4 verse 21, 10 verses 1 to 7). Many people are poor and enslaved because they are pursuing money. God does not promise money. He promises riches and wealth. God said, I will give you power to make wealth and not money. This is to say that genuine wealth through the power of the Holy Spirit is coming to you and you will be a conduit of His blessings if you choose to walk in wisdom. This is durable wealth that comes from God and is linked to the fear of God (the beginning of wisdom) and wisdom brings wealth.

David is a classic example of a young man who exhibited godly wisdom – 1st Samuel 18 verses 11 to 14. In spite of national recognition and prominence he was humble. The more accomplished you are, the more humble you should become. Be wise after every great victory. Be careful about the praise of men. There is a very thin line between praise and flattery. Remain focused and wise despite praise.

Nehemiah chose not to touch public funds because he feared God. Godly wisdom is exhibited both in private and public.

Engage in whatever God wants you to engage in and become successful through divine wisdom. Wisdom is not naturally acquired or inherited. We are not born with it, it is not for sale – Proverbs Chapter 9 verse 10. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.

Sources of Wisdom

*      Ask God in Prayer
I have no idea how King Solomon knew this. But that young king got it right when he asked God for a wise and understanding heart to rule the people of God rather than money, fame and honor. His request for wisdom so pleased God that God in keeping with His word in Matthew Chapter 6 verse 33 added every other thing to Solomon. Jesus had to simplify this principle in Matthew Chapter 6 verse 33 scripture so that believers know what to ask God for in prayer.  He further reiterated it in the Lord's Prayer – your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. This is of course after acknowledgement and worship of God's lordship in heaven and earth. Thereafter, we can request the extras.

*      Study the word of God - study the books of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes every day.

*      meditate on the word of God

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