Thursday, July 27, 2017

Why Dare to Succeed

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Dare to Succeed is specifically designed to teach, inspire and boost your confidence levels to look the challenges that assail you eyeball to eyeball, analyses and dissect them to see the hidden opportunities, albeit the stepping stones embedded in the challenges.

Indeed, the journey of life is not a bed of roses. However, the apparent bed of thorns that strew the pathways of success can become beds of roses which propel you to success and wealth if you know what to do; which is the crux of the matter – knowing what to do, to dare to succeed against all odds.

This implies that knowledge, not just any kind of knowledge but knowledge that is specific to dealing with the challenge/s is strategic to making the challenges stepping stone. Please permit me to quote Proverbs Chapter 24 verses 3 to 4 (NLT) verbatim. ‘any enterprise is built by wise planning, becomes strong through common sense; and profits wonderfully by keeping abreast of the facts. To keep abreast of the facts is to be steps ahead of the relevant information required to pierce the darkness obliterating the light that will make you see the challenges as stepping stones.
David for instance was not afraid of Goliath despite the latter’s intimidating size, armory and propaganda designed to intimidate and immobilize. Already, Saul’s army of experienced fighting men were frightened and immobilized for forty days and forty nights. But David who had never been to war, a shepherd boy, a teenager who had only a sling and stones as armor was not afraid. Why? David had superior knowledge. He knew that God alone could bring Goliath down and not necessarily the armour at a person’s disposal. That was why he discarded the armor given to him by King Saul. David chose to dare Goliath in the name of God. God gave David victory and David, a hitherto unknown teenager in Israel became a national hero.

How about Daniel? What on earth gave Daniel the audacity to imagine that the King would spare him and his friends and give them time to come up with the dream as well as its interpretation when some people had already been killed? Daniel had a fervent relationship with God, knew that God can always be trusted to come through for His people and would not fail him. So like David, Daniel took the risk to succeed and indeed succeeded as God revealed the dream and its interpretation to him.

Beloved, you have the capacity, both innate and external to succeed against all odds. Until I come your way again, I dare you to succeed. Welcome to Success Street.

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