Friday, July 28, 2017

Encounter Divine Destiny

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

An encounter is a sudden meeting.

A divine encounter is a meeting with God and it is usually a day for a divine turnaround. It is a sudden visitation of God in your life in which God holds a personal meeting with you. Every child of God should experience a divine encounter as every divine encounter is the precursor to discovering purpose in life. It is a day of discovering destiny. Irrespective of what you have achieved in life now, there is a segment for meeting with divine destiny to bring about transformation in your life that is consistent with divine destiny. Until you have the encounter, you may be in a segment that is inconsistent with divine destiny. Moses’ background in Pharaoh’s house and Midian were irrelevant until he experienced divine encounter. Moses moved from shepherding flocks for his father in-law to national and global leadership of Israel shepherding God’s flock. Please see Exodus Chapter 3 verses 1 to 7.

When you have a divine encounter, everything changes. Gideon was a frightened young man threshing wheat in a winepress when he experienced divine encounter. The fearful young man who thought he was a nobody became a national hero who God used to free the nation of Israel from the intimidation and oppression of Midian. But for a divine encounter, Gideon would have remained unknown and insignificant. A divine encounter will make your life relevant; give you global visibility, significance, fame and wealth.

King Solomon experienced divine encounter and became the wealthiest and wisest King on earth. Kings, Queens, prominent people from different nations came to hear his wisdom and see his vast wealth. In point of fact, the Bible records that silver was as common as sand during his reign as king in Israel.

A divine encounter can take different forms. However, God’s divine encounter is sovereign; man does not determine it. God does. Nevertheless, it is possible to influence it. For instance Moses’ decision to turn and see the burning bush prepared him for the encounter with God. A divine encounter requires a complete turn from what you were doing and how you were doing it as well as where you were doing it and when you were doing it. The Apostle Paul is an example. He turned from persecutor to preacher. Every genuine encounter must therefore bring you to a point of no return to the past. Every encounter requires a turning. God watches to see you turn so that He can visit you. God rerouted Moses, Paul, Peter. God always rearranges you after a divine encounter and takes what is in your hand to turn them into supernatural objects for your greatness. Also, every encounter comes with a mandate and with divine instructions.
Samuel was still a small boy when he heard the voice of God.

Requirements for a Divine Encounter

You must be a genuine worshipper of God to influence a divine encounter. This is heartfelt worship to God – ardent worship. Be a great worshipper to qualify for divine encounter.

You must be a generous giver. Abraham and Solomon were generous givers and in the process, they experienced divine encounters. There is a giving that can cause an encounter.

Be hospitable. God can appear in a simple way. Abraham entertained God unawares.

Do not be nasty and condescending to people irrespective of how they look  -Job Chapter 42 verse 5, Judges Chapter 6.

Obed-Edom did something remarkable. He took the Ark of God into his house. Please see 2nd Samuel Chapter 6 verses 6 to 12. The Ark of God represents the presence and manifestation of God in all glory. Please see 1st Samuel Chapter 17 verse 4.   Obed-Edom received an encounter because he was qualified for the encounter. Obed-Edom was at the right place at the right time. You must be qualified for a divine encounter – Numbers Chapter 4 verse 15. Uzzah was not qualified for the divine encounter he sought. God is the God of divine timing. Do what you should when you are supposed to do it.  Psalm 42 verse 10, Haggai Chapter 2 verse 9 and PSALM 40 verse 3

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