Thursday, July 13, 2017

God is Faithful

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

God does not fail, has not failed and will not fail. That is the testimony of the saints in the Bible and it is one of the cardinal teachings in the Bible. Please see Numbers Chapter 23 verse 19. David was a man after God’s heart, was anointed as King of Israel when he was still a teenager, experienced challenges that could have made him doubt God, the word of God and promises of God concerning him; yet David held on to God.

As a young man, God used Him to defeat Goliath and because the women of Israel sang praises of David, the then ruling King of Israel, Saul became envious of David and made several attempts on the young life of David. Consequently, David became homeless and had to live among the Philistines, ironically among the kinsmen of Goliath whom he killed. Eventually, Saul was killed in battle and after a battle with the surviving sons and relatives of Saul, the Israelites came together and crowned David king of Israel. Please see 1st Chronicles Chapter 12.

Hannah was happily married to Elkanah, the man who loved, honored and respected her. Yet, Hannah did not enjoy the peace and bliss she should experience in her husband’s home because she had no children. She would have perhaps had some modicum of peace if she was the only wife of Elkanah. But Elkanah had another wife, Peninah who had children for Elkanah. Additionally, Peninah was an ungodly woman who had no fear of God. I say this because rather than pray for Hannah and be nice to Hannah, Peninah enjoyed the satanic assignment of making Hannah unhappy by daily ridiculing and mocking Hannah for not having children. Hannah unfortunately took notice of Peninah’s evil mission and was miserable until she remembered that she did not create herself. This understanding turned Hannah into another woman, a woman of faith and prayer. So rather than pay attention to Peninah and her evil tongue, Hannah focused on God and cried out to God rather than cry on account of what Peninah said. Not quite long. God blessed Hannah with a son whom she named Samuel and dedicated to the service of God. God honoured Hannah’s gift and gave Hannah additional sons and daughters. And significantly, only the names of Hannah’s children are mentioned in the genealogy of Elkanah.

The faithfulness of God is all encompassing. Severally, the Israelites sinned against God in the wilderness enroute to Egypt. God met every one of their needs – the need for food, water, security, health, you name it. God was always right on time for them. Eventually, they arrived at the Promised Land.

Beloved, God is faithful. There are several other biblical examples. But please permit me to put the focus on you right now. For instance, you are alive and well, have a roof over your head,  have clothes on your back, you are not maimed in any way, you have a sound mind. Why then do you complain that God is not faithful because you have not yet made millions and billions? I will give you an example of a young man destined for the top as well as financial affluence. His name is Joseph. Unfortunately, or should I say fortunately which I believe is the right word; this young man ended up in Egypt as a slave, and was sold to Potiphar, again by divine arrangement. Just when he thought that he was  on the right rung of the ladder, he found himself in prison for an offense he did not commit. Significantly, Joseph did not give up. He believed that he would one day  get to the top and financial affluence. Ironically, this big break came to him while in prison after he interpreted the dreams of Pharaoh’s imprisoned servants correctly. Joseph was eventually introduced to Pharaoh and after interpreting Pharaoh’s dreams correctly as well as providing the solution to the challenges the dreams posed, he was appointed Prime Minister in a land where he arrived as a slave. God is indeed faithful.

Beloved, God who never fails, who is always faithful will certainly come through for you and you will  hit Success  Street sooner than you expect. Hold on to God and God bless you. Shalom. 

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