Sunday, July 31, 2016

Pursue Your Own Vision

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Every one created by God was created for a purpose and that purpose is the launchpad to greatness, success and prosperity. Divine purpose accelerates your path to divine wealth and the top. Therefore, find the divine purpose for your life and pursue it. If you miss out on divine purpose, you will miss a lot as money comes by doing the will of God for your life that is walking in His divine purpose for your life. Every profession has its own goldmine. So stop pursuing other people’s visions and pursue your own vision.

You actually undervalue your uniqueness by doing what other people want you to do and not what God wants you to do. If you follow your Maker’s prescription, you will be successful and wealthy.

It is also important that you focus on your area of strength – that is to say that you expend energies on what you enjoy doing effortlessly that is spiritually, physically, mentally and financially rewarding. This usually relates to the talent God deposited in you at birth and which you have been using unconsciously. But a more conscious use of it will alert you to the many uses it can be put to and how you can refine it to high accent. It is already in you. All you need do is to tap into it and you will function in it without maximum effort.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

God Wants You to Make Progress

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

You will arise and have mercy on Zion; for the time to favor her, yes, the set time, has come. Psalm 102 verse 13 NKJV

It is the God’s will and agenda for you to continuously make progress that is expressed in continuous motion, advancement and progress so that you are ever increasing, expanding and yielding results and progress. Please see Proverbs Chapter 4 verse 18.

You are wired to make progress and God wants you to make progress. That explains why God does not His children to remain stagnant in one spot for too long. No child of God is permitted to remain in one spot for too long as God wants every child of His to keep moving forward, advancing and making progress. He always instructs them to turn and make forward movements. God’s will is to create turns for every believer as they embark in the journey of life.
Turns are points where you change positions and levels to make progress while progress is positive change in position that makes your today better than your yesterday. Your today becomes better than your yesterday when God moves you to where you ought to be and this happens when you take advantage of the turns God brings your way to make progress. A number of people are at a standstill because they do not recognize the turning points to make progress and even when they do, they do not take advantage of such seasons to make progress.

How God Makes Roads in the Wilderness

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

God raised Cyrus and stirred up his spirit to rebuild Jerusalem, especially the rebuilding of the temple. Cyrus declared that God commanded him to build Him a house at Jerusalem. Please see 2nd Chronicles Chapter 36 verses 22 to 23, Ezra Chapter 1 verses 1 to 2, and Isaiah Chapter 45 verses 1 to 13. God also raised Cyrus up in righteousness and directed all his ways.

Beloved, the Israelites had been in exile for about seventy years and the land was desolate. Besides, the city of Jerusalem including all the significant structures had been razed down after the items of value were carted away to Babylon. The returnee exiles did not own the kind of resources required to rebuild the city and the temple. Additionally, they did not have the authority to even return to Jerusalem, not to talk of rebuilding eh city and the temple. But because the Word of God does not return  to Him void and it was time for the Word to be fulfilled (Isaiah Chapter 55 verses 8 to 13, Psalm 138 verse 2, 2nd Chronicles Chapter 36 verses 22 to 23, Ezra Chapter 1 verses 1 to 2, Isaiah Chapter 45 verses 1 to 13), God raised Cyrus and commanded Cyrus to build Him a house and because Cyrus as king would not be physically involved in the process, he called for Israelite exiles who were willing to return to Jerusalem. He then delegated the rebuilding of the temple and city to them. He also provided the required resources alongside relevant authorization. Moreover, he returned everything of value that was taken from the temple. Thus commenced the rebuilding of the temple!

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Excel into Global Limelight

Written by Uyoyou C. Charles-Iyoha

Do you see a man who excels in his work? He will stand before king: he will not stand before unknown men, Proverbs Chapter 22 verse 29.

God’s will is for you to excel into global limelight, abundance, honor and fame which He ordained for you from the foundation of the world. A number of biblical success stories attest to this.

Huram was a craftsman, an engraver. But the Bible records that Huram was a highly skilled engraver who could make any engraving, and could accomplish any plan. This was what qualified him to serve as the master craftsman of King Hiram of Tyre. At the request of King Solomon for a skilled craftsman, King Hiram sent Huram with very strong recommendations to King Solomon. Huram lived up to his reputation and served King Solomon for several years – he worked on the temple, the articles of worship in the temple in the temple as well as the palace of King Solomon. Huram did indeed stood before Kings – from King Hiram to the wealthiest and wisest King of his time. Please see 2nd Chronicles Chapter 2 verses 7, 13 to 14. Others include Ezra the Priest (Ezra Chapter 7 verses 6, 10 11, 21, 25), Daniel (Daniel Chapter 5 verses 11 to 14, 6 verses 1 to 4, 1 verse 4); Bezalel (Exodus Chapter 35 verses 30 to 35), Joseph,(Genesis Chapter 41) .

Monday, July 25, 2016

Respect Divine Opportunities

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

There are times to maximize opportunities. How? By respecting opportunities and leveraging them for success.
*      Invest in a fervent relationship with God.

*      Respect the grace of God in your life.

*      Study and meditate on the Word of God on a daily basis.

*    Respect the Holy Spirit and do not grieve Him

*      Therefore, do not push to tomorrow what you can do today. This is to say that you are to avoid procrastination as you can miss an opportunity through procrastination.

*      Do not despise people. Treat people with respect irrespective of their size and how they look.

*     Genuinely care about people and show them that you actually care. This is because people care about how much you care and not what you know.

God Will Meet Your Needs

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Philippians Chapter 4 verse 19, Psalm 23, Ephesians Chapter 3 verse 20.

God has immense, overwhelming and abundant capacity from His glorious riches in Christ Jesus to meet every one of your needs irrespective of what they are , how seemingly difficult they appear to be met according to His riches in Christ Jesus which He has given you in Christ Jesus. This is to say that the resources to meet your needs no matter how pressing or urgent are already in the hands of God and are yours and have been given to you by God in Christ Jesus Christ. Therefore by virtue of your connectedness to God through salvation by faith in Christ Jesus, these resources are yours and should be requested from God and accepted with thanksgiving from Him.

 Besides, Jesus Christ has paid the full price for you to access these resources. Therefore no power, no force anywhere can stop these resources from getting to you in Jesus mighty name. Also, on account of the daily access you have to the cleansing power of the blood of Jesus Christ; and as you apply the blood daily, the devil and his cohorts have no legal ground and leverage against you and your access to these resources.

Expect Great Things From God

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha 

It is what you expect that you experience. If you always expect good things, then you will always experience good. But if your expectations are always negative, then chances are you will always have negative experiences and share negative stories which no one really likes to hear. Generally, people like to hear positive reports and comments about life. A life filled with positive expectations will always therefore have positive reports and comments that impact other people positively.
God desires positive expectations from His children. He desires that His children anticipate good things from Him irrespective of whatever present circumstances and trials they are experiencing in life. That is why He stated in Jeremiah Chapter 29 verses 11 to 12 that His thoughts towards His children are thoughts of good and not of evil, designed to give His children an expected end of good.

Positive expectations allow you to connect to the extravagant grace of God for humanity. The Syro Phoenician woman was full of positive expectations which explain why she said to Jesus that even the dogs eat of the crumbs that fall from the master’s table. Significantly, her expectations of healing for her child were met as she did not leave without a positive answer from Jesus Christ. Please see Matthew Chapter 13 verses 22 to 28.

How to Recognize God Created Opportunities

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

God created opportunities come in diverse forms. The snag is recognizing such opportunities and leveraging them to actualize the necessary and relevant divine changes that they are designed to effect in your life.

One of such forms is the opportunity to meet people. This is because God always brings people your way to act as springboards to divine changes in your life. There is always somebody somewhere that God will hook you up with usually for the purpose of fulfilling divine destiny. Your responsibility at such times is to speak up when the people God designed to help you connect with you in life through God’s divine arrangement. Usually, opportunities to meet with people abound and it may therefore be difficult to spot divine arrangements to meet with people. However, a spiritually sensitive person will recognize such opportunities. How? There is usually a connection in the soul. Joseph recognized the opportunity in meeting with the baker and the butler and responding to their worries and anxieties in love and humility. It eventually paid off in the connection with Pharaoh. It is also significant that Joseph spoke up. Most often, people do not speak up when they meet with the divine helpers assigned to help them.

Succeed Through God Created Opportunities

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

God designed every child of His for success and one of the ways through which God empowers His children to be successful is by creating divine opportunities for His children. Whenever God wants to bring about a change in your life, He brings about an opportunity which if utilized brings about a change in your life.  It is also significant to note that God is always creating opportunities for His children. However it is necessary to understand the types of opportunities that God brings to His children to effect changes in their lives.

Opportunity can be described as a favorable time, moment, location or set of circumstances. The purpose of opportunity is to function as an agent of change. God created opportunities on the other hand are divinely appointed times, moments, locations or set of circumstances designed to move you from point A to B in life. Significantly such moments often come disguised as challenges, appear inconsequential and if a person is not sensitive to the Spirit of God, chances are you will miss out on such opportunities. Martha, the sister of Mary missed a very significant opportunity of fellowshipping with the Lord Jesus Christ in her house because she paid attention to serving food rather than spending quality time with her Savior.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

God Builds Bridges for His People 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

God will make a way for you in the doldrums of life so that in the midst of the challenges and seeming satanic barricades and barriers that appear as trackless wilderness, you will find the path to true success, God's success for you in life.

No matter how intimidating the barricades are or appear to be, they definitely cannot be as bad as the red sea which eventually gave way, the strong and secure walls of Jericho which also gave way, all the opposition and allied forces against Israel which were eventually routed out.

A wilderness is an uncharted course, no road map, no pathways to guide you to a desired destination. That is why it is referred to as trackless wilderness. Yet in this uncharted course, God promises to make a way to give you directions through the uncharted courses of life you find yourself in. 

Additionally, He promises to give rivers in the desert, a place where you do not find water except for the occasional oasis that shows up again; in an uncharted course you may not likely find in your strength. But with the help of the Lord, you will be directed by the Holy Spirit to the rivers of water you will always need as you journey through the wilderness of life. 

But most significantly, you will be guided through the wilderness in the way God makes for you. Beloved, you are created to succeed and always destined for success. Therefore, do not give up. Hold on to God and be celebrated in life as you succeed in Jesus mighty name. Shalom.

God Builds Bridges for His People

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

The crossing of the red sea, the River Jordan as well as the collapse of the impenetrable walls of Jericho are more than sufficient evidence that God builds bridges for His people. They are pointers to the fact that God makes a way where there is no way. 

Pharaoh in his finite mind had concluded that the Israelites were hedged in by the red sea and the wilderness. Therefore with nowhere to turn to for safety and protection (no safety nets to cushion the effects of whatever you may be experiencing presently), he and his army coupled with his choice chariots were in a position to finish off the Israelites once and for all.