Saturday, July 23, 2016

God Builds Bridges for His People 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

God will make a way for you in the doldrums of life so that in the midst of the challenges and seeming satanic barricades and barriers that appear as trackless wilderness, you will find the path to true success, God's success for you in life.

No matter how intimidating the barricades are or appear to be, they definitely cannot be as bad as the red sea which eventually gave way, the strong and secure walls of Jericho which also gave way, all the opposition and allied forces against Israel which were eventually routed out.

A wilderness is an uncharted course, no road map, no pathways to guide you to a desired destination. That is why it is referred to as trackless wilderness. Yet in this uncharted course, God promises to make a way to give you directions through the uncharted courses of life you find yourself in. 

Additionally, He promises to give rivers in the desert, a place where you do not find water except for the occasional oasis that shows up again; in an uncharted course you may not likely find in your strength. But with the help of the Lord, you will be directed by the Holy Spirit to the rivers of water you will always need as you journey through the wilderness of life. 

But most significantly, you will be guided through the wilderness in the way God makes for you. Beloved, you are created to succeed and always destined for success. Therefore, do not give up. Hold on to God and be celebrated in life as you succeed in Jesus mighty name. Shalom.

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