Monday, July 25, 2016

How to Recognize God Created Opportunities

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

God created opportunities come in diverse forms. The snag is recognizing such opportunities and leveraging them to actualize the necessary and relevant divine changes that they are designed to effect in your life.

One of such forms is the opportunity to meet people. This is because God always brings people your way to act as springboards to divine changes in your life. There is always somebody somewhere that God will hook you up with usually for the purpose of fulfilling divine destiny. Your responsibility at such times is to speak up when the people God designed to help you connect with you in life through God’s divine arrangement. Usually, opportunities to meet with people abound and it may therefore be difficult to spot divine arrangements to meet with people. However, a spiritually sensitive person will recognize such opportunities. How? There is usually a connection in the soul. Joseph recognized the opportunity in meeting with the baker and the butler and responding to their worries and anxieties in love and humility. It eventually paid off in the connection with Pharaoh. It is also significant that Joseph spoke up. Most often, people do not speak up when they meet with the divine helpers assigned to help them.

The Biblical Daniel spoke up when he asked to see King Nebuchadnezzar to request time in order to search out the dream as well as the meaning of the King’s dream. Speaking up not only saved his young life but also brought about elevations in their positions in the governance structure of Babylon where there were exiles. They would have died unknown and unsung if Daniel kept quiet. Please see Daniel Chapter 2.

Another form of God created opportunities is the opportunity for breakthrough. Such opportunities may be direct or indirect. David experienced this when he challenged Goliath to a fight and killed Goliath who had immobilized the army of God for forty days and forty nights. Please see 1st Samuel Chapter 17 for more details. That singular act that led to the routing of the Philistine army brought David, an unknown shepherd boy into national limelight, prominence and fame.

There is also the opportunity for greatness. This opportunity comes through service. Therefore, every time you find opportunity to serve, it is an opportunity to be great as servant hood is a platform for greatness. Unfortunately, this is the form of opportunity that most people usually miss because generally, some people do not like to serve. Rather, they want to be served. Beloved, the fastest pathway to greatness in life is through service especially service that impacts people and brings about transformation in the quality of people’s lives. Therefore, always think of impact, how your service impacts people as you serve. Serve well so you can become great. There is a correlation between servant hood and greatness.

The opportunity for kingdom greatness is also another form of opportunity that every child of God should take advantage of. Such opportunities come in the form of service in the kingdom of God, giving up of your time, talent and resources for the work of the kingdom. While such opportunities appear to be highly time and other resources consuming, they are actually opportunities for heaven to unleash diverse kingdom blessings on your life. Take for instance the case of Peter the fisherman who lent his boat to Jesus Christ for a preaching assignment at the seaside. Thereafter Peter was rewarded with both material and spiritual blessings. He caught a lot of fish that improved his fortunes significantly. He also became a fisher of men and later became the leader of the early Church. Please see Luke Chapter 5 verses 1 to 11, Matthew Chapter 16 verses 18 to 19, Acts Chapter 2 verse 14.

Beloved, opportunities will always come. Expect them always and watch out for them by keeping your eyes and ears open to opportunities.

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