Sunday, September 30, 2018

You Can Move Faster

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Moving forward in a very slow manner may not give the desired momentum you require to arrive at the opportune time in history and destiny at your divine destination because you may arrive too late and not make the desired impact that could have made history.

Therefore, redo, fix up, and renovate what needs fixing up to get things up and working so that you can move faster. This simply means that you should develop momentum, gain momentum, regain some momentum, in point of fact, great momentum and move at the pace God designed you to move at so that you can arrive at divine destination in record divine timing. No one gets awards for snail paces that lead nowhere. They are not even an indication of holiness or righteous living but simply an indication of laziness or ignorance about how to acquire divine speed.

Therefore, retire the baby steps you have long over grown and begin to walk like a general; a general in the warfront and not a general at a desk. This is because there is still so much more ground to break and so much more to accomplish. Therefore, move faster and work smarter not to catch up but to accomplish divine purpose. There is no point taking unaccomplished divine purpose to the grave. It does not give any laurels in heaven. Step it up and gain significant momentum. You need it urgently, in fact, yesterday and not now. Therefore make up for lost time.

One of the ways to make up for lost time is to believe the word of God. This is because the word of God has great power to give you great speed. Therefore, do not doubt God; do not disdain the word of God. An official of one of the Kings in Israel doubted God and disdained the word of God spoken by Prophet Elisha that the famine would end the following day. Though the famine ended as prophesied by the prophet, the doubtful official saw the surplus that God provided but unfortunately did not partake of it. Please read 2nd Kings Chapter 7 verse 2, Deuteronomy Chapter 32 verses 3 to 4, 39 to 40.

Beloved, there is no substitute for the word of God.  Therefore, subdue whatever slows you down and challenges you with the word of God. Please see Ezekiel Chapter 37 verses 1 to 10. The word of God will always empower you to move from negative encounters to positive encounters. Anything that has a name can hear. Therefore call whatever slows you down to challenge your progress by their names and subject them to the word of God. The word of God will come through for you and give you speed like what transpired in the valley of dry bones. The long cases of open shame, indignity, lack of care and concern suddenly disappeared as the word of God breathed life into those very dry bones. You can be a prophet to yourself by prophesying the word of God that you read and study into situations which slow you down to challenge you and limit you in the plans and purposes of God for your life. Refuse to be slowed down by anyone and circumstances that are not of God. Keep planting the word of God and you will see speedy results in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Please read Job Chapter 37 verses 23 and 24 as well as Daniel Chapter 4 verse 20.

As you take the decision to move faster and you are actually moving faster, determine in your heart that there is no alternative to God; there is no substitute to God and that a life that substitutes God is a life of crisis. That way, you will know that there is no case too bad that God cannot handle. Therefore, you will patiently await God’s intervention in your case because God is never late. He comes at the right time and He is always able to give you anything you want. Therefore, do not give up on God. He will give you the speed and resources you need to move faster in life. Shalom.

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