Thursday, September 13, 2018

Wake Up the Giant

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Giants should not be allowed to sleep because they usually sleep for too long; in point of fact, far too long to remember to wake up at just the right time. Another reason why giants sleep for far too long is that people are usually afraid to wake up the giant because a giant awake and alert to his or her responsibilities is a threat to the opposition. Samson was a giant in quote – he had the spiritual and physical prowess to intimidate the Philistines and bring to a great halt the harassment of Israel by the Philistines. The Philistines were so intimidated by Samson that rather than enlist the support of other nations to fight Israel as a whole, the Philistines deployed huge resources to eliminate Samson  because they knew that if Samson was eliminated, it would be over for Israel and they could walk rough shod on Israel for as long as they wanted to.

Unfortunately, Samson lacked personal discipline and spiritual discernment despite the great unction of God upon Him coupled with his unrivaled physical prowess. He therefore fell for the wiles of deceitful Delilah and for a long time, Samson slept the sleep of death. Please see Psalm 13 verse 3. Samson was harassed, humiliated and even blinded by the Philistines. Why bother to blind him?

The ability to see is very important in daily life and when that is taken away, you may require assistance to carry out most tasks. Additionally, you cannot see the divine beauties God created in the Universe. And if a giant cannot see, how will the giant walk around to intimidate anyone? Rather, S/he would be a slave. So Samson was enslaved at the mill grinding stuff for the Philistines. But Samson did not give up for in the long run, He did wake up; and destroyed hundreds and thousands of Philistines at a go. But he would have achieved much more if only he was disciplined.

Beloved, losing spiritual visions, business visions, family visions, career visions, academic visions, financial visions, parental visions; in point of fact, vision of any kind is as bad if not worse than losing physical vision. Once you lose clear vision of what you are called to do and where you are headed in life, you will no longer see the beauty and glory of that vision. Rather, you will become satisfied with visions that are not yours but which appear to be great and over time you will immerse yourself in those visions and unfortunately end up in slavery. Please see Genesis Chapter 49 verse 14.

Issachar had great potentials but lost them when he lost his vision to a vision which appeared to be great. Issachar was divinely endowed with the leadership strength of knowing what Israel ought to do at any point in time. In point of fact, that was a great strength as Issachar provided direction and leadership influence so to speak for Israel. Issachar was a leader, a giant in leadership yet because Issachar became enchanted by the beautiful surroundings he found himself in, Issachar gave up his leadership role and submitted to forced labor. In point of fact, he became a slave, a band of slaves because he had committed his children to slavery. Perhaps, becoming a band of slaves was what Issachar required to wake up from his folly because in the book of 1st Chronicles Chapter 12 verse 32, the Bible records that the sons of Issachar had woken up to their calling and were providing direction for Israel. The sleeping giant had woken up.

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