Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Be More Proactive

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Rise up early – a great while before dawn to prepare. All the amazingly successful biblical characters always rose up a great while before dawn to spend quality time with God, plan and prepare for the day. The quality time spent with God meant greater illumination of their minds. Please see Psalm 119 verses 105 and 130. This also enabled them to receive divine blueprints for the day, days, weeks, months year etc. with such blueprints, they literally ran vigorously with the vision; garnered support as well as other resources required accomplishing the vision. Please see Moses, Joshua, the virtuous woman, Jesus Christ. 

Prepare even for the next second. Preparation is central to maximizing opportunities. When preparation meets opportunity, the rest is history as success comes in leaps and bounds. You make hay when the sun is shining and not when snow is falling. You also strike when the iron is hot and not cold.

Always anticipate people, events and situations so that you can proffer solutions ahead of time. Jesus Christ knew that Peter would be tested by the enemy and Peter would fail yet Jesus prayed for Peter so that Peter would become a different person after the test. Significantly, the same Peter who denied Jesus Christ thrice led the early Church after he was strengthened on account of the prayers Jesus prayed for him. 

Do not shift blames. Accept responsibility and repent and God will restore you. David acknowledged his sin. He did not blame beautiful Bathsheba for seducing him. God forgave him and restored him. 

Do not wait for events and people. Rather, preempt people and events through prophecy – by prophesying the word of God. 

Colors of the Sun

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Bright, brilliant; sometimes fiery
Golden, silvery, bluish, Fiery red, orange
Shimmering rays of light
Overwhelming brilliance lights up my world
Glimmers of good and gold
Strew my path afresh

As I look, gaze at and meditate on the colors of the Sun
Announcing affluence, such
Brilliant radiance of wealth
Overflowing abundance in the beautifying colors of the Sun
Radiating love, compassion, mercy, forgiveness and grace.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Proceed to Destination

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Perfect conditions do not exist anywhere. That is why princes and princesses marry non royalty. Therefore, take advantage of the opportunities at your disposal to create your supposed perfect conditions.

Spend quality time with knowledgeable and open minded people. Apart from the benefit of learning from them, their open mindedness’ to new ideas will give a boost to your ideas. Knowledgeable people are also secure people who are not intimidated by the success of other people. They are people you need in your journey to share your ideas, successes and challenges with. They will encourage and most often give you great counsel if they understand the dynamics of the industry you are in. You need them.

Avoid people who are stuck in a rut – people who hold on to established ways of doing things that yield zero and negative results.

Avoid people who are fiercely opposed to new ideas. This is because they never see good in the new things that are happening and bringing about transformation in the lives of people and businesses. Do not partner with them whether in business or ministry.
Avoid people who always feel intimidated and insecure when their authority is challenged because new ideas are proposed.

Quit Begging Bread

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

God gives bread and you can ask God directly. Please see Psalm 111 verses 4 to 6, 107 verses 8 to 9, 31 to 37, 105 verses 40 to 42, 104 verses 10 to 15, 81 verses 13 to 16. Why then should you subject yourself to the servitude of men and in the process sin against God because of bread when in reality God is the One Who gives bread?

Secondly, man does not live by bread alone. Please see Deuteronomy Chapter 8 verse 3, Matthew Chapter 4 verse 4, and Luke Chapter 4 verse 4. Therefore, do not allow hunger and the quest for food make you sin against God no matter how severe it is. By the grace of God and the power of the Holy Spirit at work in you; you should be able to exercise self control over hunger and the quest for food. Please see Galatians Chapter 5 verses 22 to 23.

It was hunger and the quest for food that made the unnamed foolish woman of 2nd Kings Chapter 6 verses 25 to 30 give her son to be eaten up. She did not consider the consequences of cannibalism how much more that of eating up her son and sinning against God by despising the blessing of God to her, disobeying God and committing murder. It was only after the woman who deceived her refused to give up her son that the foolish woman realized the consequences of what she had done – ingratitude to God for the gift of a child, despising that gift, disobeying God to commit the other sins of murder and cannibalism. Perhaps, she also realized the consequences of the loss of her child.

Push the Boundaries

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Boundaries or borders define how far a person can go especially walled borders with intimidating gates and fierce looking guards. Sometimes, the walls are so high and entrenched with electronic devices that electrocute if a person attempts to scale walls when passage is denied through the gates. These are physical borders or boundaries.

Other borders such as spiritual, marital, financial, material, etc also exist. These borders particularly the spiritual ones to a very large extent impact on all other borders.  This is to say that spiritual borders are very important and pay a very significant role in a person’s life. This explains why people make spiritual enquires; usually outside of the word of God to what their children, relations, neighbours, enemies, communities and even nations will become. This practice called divination by the Bible is wrong and sinful in the eyes of God the Creator. This is because practitioners of divination source information from demons (Isaiah Chapter 8 verses 18 to 19); owe their allegiance to demons and do not worship God. Significantly, God warns against the practice. Additionally, the practice does not bring light to the practitioners which explains why they continually remain in darkness and certain stratified borders defined by the mediums they patronize.

A couple walking in the light of God experienced financial challenges because the husband lost his job. Rather than focus on polishing his skills and getting another job, he preferred what the diviners told him and for years has been waiting for the fingered witch in his life to die so he can get another job. Unfortunately, this has stretched on to close on ten years. Quite sad! But a little prayer offered to God to intervene in his situation so he could get another job would have solved his problem. But he chose to be spiritually and mentally as well as financially imprisoned in the spiritual borders of divination thereby limiting himself.

Restoration, New Things

Compiled by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha