Thursday, January 25, 2018

Push the Boundaries

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Boundaries or borders define how far a person can go especially walled borders with intimidating gates and fierce looking guards. Sometimes, the walls are so high and entrenched with electronic devices that electrocute if a person attempts to scale walls when passage is denied through the gates. These are physical borders or boundaries.

Other borders such as spiritual, marital, financial, material, etc also exist. These borders particularly the spiritual ones to a very large extent impact on all other borders.  This is to say that spiritual borders are very important and pay a very significant role in a person’s life. This explains why people make spiritual enquires; usually outside of the word of God to what their children, relations, neighbours, enemies, communities and even nations will become. This practice called divination by the Bible is wrong and sinful in the eyes of God the Creator. This is because practitioners of divination source information from demons (Isaiah Chapter 8 verses 18 to 19); owe their allegiance to demons and do not worship God. Significantly, God warns against the practice. Additionally, the practice does not bring light to the practitioners which explains why they continually remain in darkness and certain stratified borders defined by the mediums they patronize.

A couple walking in the light of God experienced financial challenges because the husband lost his job. Rather than focus on polishing his skills and getting another job, he preferred what the diviners told him and for years has been waiting for the fingered witch in his life to die so he can get another job. Unfortunately, this has stretched on to close on ten years. Quite sad! But a little prayer offered to God to intervene in his situation so he could get another job would have solved his problem. But he chose to be spiritually and mentally as well as financially imprisoned in the spiritual borders of divination thereby limiting himself.
For the past twenty years, I always see someone who gathers sands in sandbags to sell. There is nothing wrong with it. But because this man was gainfully employed in government and was rising progressively in his field, it is very sad to see what he has become now simply because he consulted a medium to know what his future would be. Unfortunately, the medium informed and instructed him to resign from his government paid job because his fortune and wealth was tied to harvesting sands from government roads into sandbags for sale. He has consistently labored like this for twenty years yet, both fortune and wealth are not in sight.

Beloved, divination is a sin against God. Additionally, you play into the hands of the enemy for easy manipulation and alteration of your God ordained destiny because of the limits divination puts on a person.

Ask God to destroy the yoke of divination in your life, to break its power and hold over your life.

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