Sunday, August 6, 2017

Leapfrog Generational Limitations

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Generational limitations are certain limitations that run in families, institutions, communities and nations. Some of them include poverty, barrenness, idolatry, failure, obscurity, etc; and have become entrenched in families, in fact so deeply entrenched that like palm trees, they are difficult to uproot. Members of such families, institutions, communities and nations take it for granted that they can never rise above such limitations so each succeeding generation does not make any attempt or efforts to uproot the limitations. They lamely accept them and live with them.

Beloved, this is a lie from the pit of hell. You can actually leapfrog every generational limitation because God created you to succeed. The same God Who is the King of kings and Lord of lords Who knows that you can rise above whatever generational limitations exist in that family allowed you to be born into that family for a reason; so that you will break and destroy that limitation by the power and grace of God at work in your life. That way, you will rise above the limitation and change the negative history of that family.

Definitely, you cannot do this in your own strength which explains why God equipped you specially with certain gifts designed to make you a positive change agent in that family. You can rewrite the history of your family through those gifts. The widow of the indebted son of the prophet rewrote her family history with just a jar of oil. Her family was freed from the generational limitation of financial indebtedness that threatened debt bondage. Rahab rewrote her history by being hospitable to the two spies.
The patriarch Abraham rewrote his family history from that of a relatively rich but obscure family in Ur of the Chaldeans to a wealthy nation beloved of God and blessed greatly by God through simple obedience to God. That obedience to God culminated in the global limelight, honor and prestige enjoyed by his great grandson, Joseph in the land of Egypt.

Mary was an unknown young woman in Israel. She rewrote her history to national and global limelight, fame and honor when she willingly allowed herself to be used as a vessel by God to birth our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

What is God asking you to do? Your obedience as well as total surrender may just be all that is required to rewrite your history as well as help you leapfrog generational limitations of insignificance, irrelevance, dishonor, poverty, obscurity, failure, you just name it. Whatever it is, a swift turn around by faith in Jesus Christ and total surrender to the will of God for your life will speed up the transformation you desire.

Are you ready now? Then take the quality decision to be saved by Jesus Christ, even right now and be celebrated in Jesus mighty name. God bless you and welcome to Success Street.

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