Sunday, September 4, 2016

Enhance Your Brand 3

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Grooming, cleanliness, personal hygiene, dressence, beauty enhancements, are also components of enhancing your brand. To be clean, to smell good and look good are all processes that lead up to brand enhancement. Cleanliness and dressing up are therefore critical to brand enhancement.

Esther is described as lovely and beautiful - having a good figure and beautiful face (Esther Chapter 7 verse 9) yet when she entered for the search for a queen contest, she also partook of the prescribed beauty treatments for twelve months – six months with oil of myrrh and six months with perfumes and preparations for beautifying women (Esther Chapter 2 verses 3, 9 to 12, 15).

Ruth was Naomi’s daughter in-law. She came with Naomi from Moab and was gleaning to feed herself and her mother in-law. Naomi was concerned about the future of Ruth and decided to take advantage of a Jewish custom that benefited widows so Ruth could remarry within the family. So she advised Ruth on what to do.

All the while Ruth had been gleaning in the fields of Boaz, she was not properly groomed and dressed to attract the attention of Boaz in the way a potential bride should be. Therefore, Naomi instructed Ruth to shower and to be clean and free of grime, oils and sweat and dirt smells which cling and throw off  foul unpleasant smells that drive people away; apply cream that is oils to soften her skin and make her skin glow, attractive and appealing and people will want to touch and feel it; apply perfume for a more pleasant smell that will screen off any possible sweat smell after her walk to the threshing floor. Ruth was also advised to put on her best gown; dress well, dress up. Why? To enhance her brand as the best bride that Boaz could have. Already, Boaz was impressed by her devotion to Naomi as well as her care for Naomi. The additional beauty touches would be additional pleasant seasonings to an already delicious pudding.

Fortunately, Ruth compiled, carried out every one of Naomi’s instructions and became the wife of Boaz and part owner of the field she gleaned from. She no longer had to glean to feed. Rather, people worked for her in the same field she gleaned from.

A person’s appearance speaks volumes.  A clean face and body communicates a clean person who appreciates and respects his or her God given body. It is also an indication of a sound mind – check the streets for those people with unsound minds and you understand what I mean. Lastly, the significance of a bath especially daily baths cannot be quantified. Therefore, do not drop your standards no matter what. Rather, always raise your standards for you never can tell who is watching.

I recall a testimony a member of the Church I attend once shared with us. He attended an interview for the position of the Managing Director of a state owned enterprise, a very successful one. After a string of sessions with the board members, the Governor of the state asked to see him. With bated breath, he went into the office of the Governor expecting a barrage of questions. To his great surprise, the Governor looked him up and down, was impressed with his well dry cleaned suit and then to his greatest surprise, asked to see his shoes. Fortunately, he had taken time to polish his shoes which were also in very condition. Satisfied, the Governor said, okay, young man, you can represent us anywhere without being a reproach to us. You dress well and you are clean. I am satisfied as I already have reports about your expertise. Welcome on board.

I believe this testimony speaks volume about grooming and dressence in enhancing your brand and getting you a permanent space on Success Street. Success is a function of several factors including excellent grooming and dressence. Significantly, you do not need to rob a bank or empty your bank account to be clean and dress well. All it takes is a little effort, knowledge and wisdom. See you at Success Street well groomed and dressed up. Shalom.

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