Friday, November 27, 2020

Beware of Religious Orgies

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Because most times God is not in them. They are mostly singing and dancing, frenzied singing and dancing which gives the people emotional highs; which make them forget their challenges, their identities; albeit only for a while because when the emotional highs like drug highs clear out, they are back to the same people with the same challenges; bereft of any spiritual and mental power to process challenges into solutions. This is because no one taught them what it takes to process challenges into solutions.

So also are the frenzied prayers of killing their supposed enemies; again a ploy of the enemy to keep their spirits and minds empty of the Presence and power of God. But when people are taught the word of God to enrich and engage their minds; to know and understand who God is and what God has done for them through the complete work of Jesus Christ on the cross, there is a sudden realization of who they are in Christ Jesus and this realization; this dawning prepares them to become heirs of salvation; empowered and emboldened to challenge whatever challenges and opposes them just as David dared to challenge Goliath and stopped him from intimidating and humiliating the army of Israel.

Beloved, music, dancing, prayers are great if done with and from an understanding of the word of God. Otherwise it is akin to religious orgies and frenzies; just like the ones the worshippers of Baal were famed for. Such activities do not bring any spiritual or mental development and transformation to practitioners which explain why such practitioners remain enslaved to their supposed leaders who have no intention of them becoming enlightened, knowledgeable and transformed.

But the word of God always enlightens, transforms, and brings healing, understanding, knowledge and wisdom. The word of God has the capacity and power to heal any disease because the word of God is Jesus Christ in the flesh and Jesus paid the supreme price for any healing that anyone will ever require whether in the flesh or in the spirit or in the mind. Please read Isaiah Chapter 53 verse 5 and 1st Peter Chapter 2 verse 24.

The human body needs a lot of fluids to flush out what is not required. That explains why anything you eat which makes you drink a lot of water is good for your body as it helps the body to take a lot of water which flushes out what your body does not need. In like manner, your spirit, soul and body requires huge doses of the word of God as the word of God helps to cleanse you from anything that is not of God, purify your mental processes, cleanse you spirit, soul and body; give you divine direction; upliftment, favor and helps you to stay connected to God and to walk in God’s ways. The word of God also helps to organize and streamline your mental processes in line with the plans and purposes of God for your life so that you are able to focus on the plans and purposes of God for your life.


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