Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Allow God to Introduce You

 Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Introductions to individuals, families and institutions are a daily occurrence in life and happen in homes, on the streets, at parties and other events as well as institutions. This explains why who you are introduced to and who introduces you to the person/s you are introduced to matters a lot. This is because the person who introduces you speaks volumes of who you are. If a person of low economic status as well as low social standing introduces you to a person of high economic standing as well as high social status; it is assumed and taken for granted that you are a person of low economic standing and low social status, probably seeking favors from them. But if the reverse is the case, your rating changes and it is assumed that both parties will benefit one another.

Jesus Christ as a person was introduced by God to humanity as Jesus made His way to earth. First, He was introduced by the angel Gabriel speaking as God’s mouthpiece to Mary, the vessel chosen by God to birth Jesus Christ. Secondly. His birth was announced by an angel to the shepherds and quite significant and instructive is that a heavenly host was praising God at that moment. Thirdly, the wise men from the east who had seen His star also announced Him or rather introduced Him in absentia to King Herod. Though that caused a stir that would have resulted in His death, God shielded Him. And at His baptism by John the Baptist, God again introduced Him. The point being made is that Jesus was introduced to humanity by the Creator and Lord of humanity. So He was accorded the respect and honor due Him by those who knew and understood the Person and Lordship of Jesus Christ.

I watched a movie, The Great Gatsby in which Gatsby was introduced to Daisy’s husband by a cousin of Daisy. Daisy’s husband hardly acknowledged the presence of Gatsby. Two reasons – both men did not belong to his economic and social standing.

This speaks of the power of right connections and right associations. You therefore need to leverage right connections and associations. One way of leveraging right connections and right associations is to walk with God.

Joseph for instance was introduced to Pharaoh, the King of Egypt by the King’s butler. Ordinarily, the introduction would not have had any significance if God had not created a situation that would require the divine gifts of Joseph. In essence, God introduced Joseph to Pharaoh and his court. Do not forget that God blessed Potiphar’s house because of Joseph and God did this because God was with Joseph. Joseph enjoyed uncommon favor and succeeded in whatever he did because God was with him; not necessarily because of what he did. But quite significant and instructive is that Joseph feared God. He would not do anything that would displease God; so he refused to commit sin with the immoral wife of Potiphar at the expense of an unjust prison sentence. That unjust prison time was the link between Joseph and the butler and eventually, Pharaoh.






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