Friday, November 20, 2020

Look Within

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

It’s in YOU. What you require to become successful and great is in you. Everything you need to succeed is inside of you, divinely wired into you by God so that you can be successful and wealthy. They were planted in you as divine seeds even before you were born. Please read Genesis Chapter 1. Everything starts with a seed. The seeds you require to plant so that you can multiply and be fruitful are embedded in you. Therefore nurture your seed by taking advantage of planting seasons.

Plant your seeds by deploying your potential. It is from the seed you plant that a tree or trees or orchards or forests grow. Utilize planting seasons to great advantage by always planting seeds. You never can tell how large the capacity of your seed is to produce and keep reproducing and reproducing until you plant it. Though the reproduction is the principle of duplication, the seed must be planted for it to germinate and reproduce. Please read Ecclesiastes Chapter 11 verse 6.

Seeds are not always plants and fruits. Ideas are also seeds. As an idea bears fruit or fruits, it is apparent that the idea has great capacity to multiply and compound. Therefore do not cut down the tree or fruits from an idea. Please read Luke Chapter 13 verses 8 to 9. Rather, process them as every idea which produced results for you in the past has innate ideas for more results; that is if you will take the time to think strategically through the idea or ideas. That explains why God wants you to be fruitful and multiply; that is to say, keep reproducing to increase on all sides.

Neither should you eat up the entire harvests. While seed and fruit come together, seeds are meant to be replanted for greater harvests while fruit should be eaten. Ask God for the wisdom and grace to always distinguish bread or fruit from seed as well as the grace to plant seeds promptly. Fruit eaters are consumers while seed planters are producers and consumers are always slaves to producers. Jacob for instance was a producer while Esau in his earlier days was a consumer. But as soon as Esau paid attention to planting seeds, he also became very wealthy and had to move out of Canaan because the land became too small to accommodate the possessions the two brothers had acquired. If only he knew that what he required to become wealthy was in him, he probably would not have sold his birthright on account of food.

Beloved, IT IS IN YOU. Pay attention to your divine IPs and move on to the heights God designed for you from the foundation of the world. Shalom.

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