Thursday, November 5, 2020

Run With the Vision

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha


Stop limping, take giant strides, and facilitate processes by the Spirit of God.

Also, make the vision plain enough – communicate it in easy to understand language so that anyone can easily understand it and be part of it.

Be strong in the mighty power of God. Do not depend on you. Rather, depend on God Who alone knows and has all that it will take for you to run with the vision. Secondly, He will give you all that is required to run with the vision if only you choose to ask Him rather than stew in worry and anxiety and then ask all the wrong people who cannot help you for assistance. When you depend on God, you are taking great supernatural strength that will keep you strong at all times. People who look up to God and depend on God for everything are really strong people; whether spiritually, physically, mentally, financially, emotionally, etc. Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Ephesians Chapter 6 verse 10.

The angel told me to give Zerubbabel this message from the LORD: "You will succeed, not by military might or by your own strength, but by my spirit. Zechariah Chapter 4 verse 6, Good News Translation.

Be diligent. God will reward you appropriately for diligence. Know exactly what God wants you to do, understand the dynamics, and focus on it.

Always be determined to succeed. Determination is empowering. It mobilizes you to act, to take risks, with courage rising in the face of danger. Jesus Christ for instance endured the shame and humiliation of the cross because he was determined to save humanity from destruction. People who take godly risks do not perish.

Esther was determined to be of help to the Jews. She fasted, prayed and took the risk of her life by going to see the King uninvited. Her determination paid off as the King stretched out his scepter to her. Not only was her life saved, Haman the enemy of the Jews was destroyed and the Jews were saved from annihilation. Please read the entire book of Esther for details.

GOD RESPONDS TO STEPS taken in faith. Therefore, walk in faith and take what belongs to you from the enemy. The truth is that the world does not give you what you want. You are the one who takes it by faith and negotiations.

Evaluate your personal capacity and challenge yourself to excel. Learn new skills, outsource competencies in areas where you lack competence.

Do not be complacent. Work hard and smart because in all labor, there is profit. Please read Proverbs Chapter 12 verse 24, Psalm 65 verse 11 and Isaiah Chapter 3 verse 10. God will fill you with His beauty/favor so that your work prospers – Psalm 90 verse 17, Psalm 102 verse 13, Proverbs Chapter 10 verse 24 and Zechariah Chapter 4 verse 9.

Invest in the finisher’s unction. You need it. The will of God is for His children to always accomplish divine tasks. Moses and his team commenced the building of the tabernacle while in the wilderness. Apart from building to God’s specific plan and design, they accomplished the building of the tabernacle in record time and God was pleased with them. Please read Exodus Chapters 38 verse 22, 39 verse 43 and 40 verse 33.

The Bible also records that Joshua accomplished all the tasks which Moses entrusted to him. Joshua had served Moses long enough to know that the tasks assigned him by Moses were actually tasks that God assigned to him albeit through Moses. Painstakingly, and walking faithfully with God in addition to providing exceptional leadership to the people of Israel, Joshua walked with the people into the Promised Land, fought and won several battles before sharing the land to the people. He did not stop at sharing the land; he also admonished the people to continue serving God. Please read Joshua Chapters


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