Friday, November 20, 2020

Pay Attention to God

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Wake up from the slumber of facts, assumptions and presumptions to the truth of the word of God that always accomplishes divine purpose. God is true and all of His precious and unfailing promises to His children are designed to bless His children; give them all that pertains to life and godliness. Healing, salvation, redemption, justification, sanctification, , provision, deliverance, protection, journey mercies, favor, wisdom, wealth, promotion, security, divine health, expansion, children, etc all come from God.

Faith and confidence in God leads to peace, the peace of God and this comes by paying attention to God; listening to God and not all the wrong channels you have allowed yourself to be tuned to and you are paying attention to. All the wrong information you are getting from these wrong channels is responsible for the fears, worries, and anxieties that is eating you up; racking up your body in pain; tormenting your spirit and your soul.

Therefore, always respond to God first rather than situations. As you respond to God, God takes care of the situations. For example, Elisha and his servant Gehazi woke up one morning to discover that the army of Syria had surrounded their home. While Gehazi was afraid, Elisha was not because he had seen God’s invisible army sent by God to save and protect them from the Syrian army. The woman of Shunem responded to the needs of God first by taking care of the needs of Elisha. God met her great need for a child. The widow of Zarephath obeyed God and met the needs of the Prophet Elijah for food. They had more than enough food which sustained them throughout the period of the drought and famine which lasted for nearly three years. Beloved, the lines are fallen to you in pleasant places. But you need to pay attention to God so that you can see the lines. Otherwise, you will be engaged in a futile circular dance of searching for solutions when all you need to do is to pay attention to God.

Why? God is the only One to Whom all power belongs and to whom everything responds. As you respond to Him first, every other thing in your life responds to Him. Therefore, do not reverse the trend; ignore distractions, study the word of God, meditate on the word of God, pray without ceasing and obey and live the word. PAY ATTENTION TO GOD and He will uplift you to His greatest heights for you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Shalom.


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