Monday, November 4, 2019

Trade Value for Greater Value

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Do not throw away value and run after glitters which have no value. This is because glitters glitter to fade; which explains why they have no real value. You may think that what you have and own has no value because it does not glitter. But what you have has both earthly and eternal value even if it appears not to glitter. The value is not in the glitter but in the import and impact which is what you should really treasure. Fake diamonds glitter and throw up a host of rainbow colors, a sure way to tell that they are fake diamonds. But the real stone just throws a grayish glow but its value is greater than all the glitters of the fake diamonds which are usually cheap and easy to access.

Joseph was sold into slavery by his siblings; supposedly to truncate his chances of becoming head over his siblings. But unknown to them, they were pushing Joseph as close as possible to the platforms and opportunities that would make him head over them. They had erroneously thought that Joseph’s opportunities and platforms for becoming a global leader of his day were in Canaan. But unknown to them, they were in Egypt and the only way for Joseph to get to Egypt was their supposedly wicked scheme of getting rid of him from their father’s wealth and Canaan. But God Who always has the final say had already prepared a place for Joseph in Egypt through the intelligent deployment of Joseph’s divine gift of interpreting dreams. Joseph rose to national and global prominence through the intelligent deployment of this gift. Beloved, you may not need huge resources to make wealth and succeed. All you may require is a divine idea and you are made.

The widow of the indebted prophet received a great idea of borrowing empty vessels to fill up with what she described as a little jar of oil. Those many vessels which were borrowed from her neighbors and filled up with the oil which never seemed to cease flowing until there were no more vessels to fill up was what saved the family from debt bondage and provided more than enough for them to leave on for the rest of their lives. Unknown to the widow and her two sons, that oil was of great value and brought in greater value which broke the yoke of financial indebtedness in their family.

I discovered that God blessed me and gave me the gift of clear comprehensive writing so I can share His thoughts, mind and purpose for humanity through my documented works. My publications are therefore a platform for functioning in the ministry office of a prophet without necessarily using platforms in the Church. This is not to say that platforms in the Church are not necessary. But publications in diverse media gives me greater reach and a more global scope to communicate the gospel to as many people as God has prepared to hear the gospel through this medium. Therefore, I do not waste God’s gift and time on projects which do not have divine purpose and timing. My writing and divine editorial skills are for achieving divine purpose; one of which is bringing souls into the kingdom.

My other prophetic task which I often find overwhelming is teaching the people of God to prosper by raising the consciousness of the people to prosper; through letting them know that there is no honor in poverty and that poverty is a curse which was addressed at cavalry and that Jesus Christ paid the full price for the prosperity of the people of God. How?  By raising the consciousness of the people to Who God is and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross as well as the great and precious gift of the Holy Spirit alongside the great and precious  as well as unfailing promises of God to His children which are yea and amen in Christ Jesus. It also includes raising the consciousness of the people to who they are in Christ Jesus – a peculiar people, a royal priesthood, a chosen generation, the special people of God, and lenders to the nations.

You can trade whatever divine values you are blessed with for greater value right now if you know what the divine values are. My prayer for you as I close is that God in His infinite mercies, love and wisdom will open your eyes of understanding to His divine deposits of value in you so that you can trade them profitably and be the success He created you to be in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Shalom.

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