Thursday, November 28, 2019

Do Not Fear

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

For years, a particular person always spoke to intimidate me and terrify me into inaction, wallowing in fear and always terrified; afraid to succeed in life. I was always emotional and traumatic; having no self-esteem and self-worth. But one day in the afternoon, God exposed the person and the intent of the talk – get me afraid, worried, tensed up and believing that I will never succeed. But all these evil strongholds were destroyed as God made me understand that no one speaks and it comes to pass when He did not command it.

First, the Holy Spirit took me to the one verse of Scripture I read that morning – Philippians Chapter 4 verse 8. As I reflected on meditating on the truth, I realized that all the evil pronouncements against me and my loved ones as well as using evil words to try to chart the courses of our lives were a lie from the pit of hell which would never see the light of day because they are not the truth of the word of God.

Secondly, the Holy Spirit reminded me of what Goliath said to the army of Israel as the devil used him to torture the army of Israel mentally and by extension spiritually and physically for forty days and forty nights. The army suffered for this length of time because they believed the lies and evil report of Goliath against them, lies designed to incapacitate and immobilize them to a spot, neither moving forward nor backward.

But one day, Goliath and his lies collapsed like a pack of cards before David, a mere teenager who had never served in the army and who had never been to war. Why? Because David knew the truth of the word of God and refused to accept the lies of Goliath. Rather, David challenged Goliath and his lies with the truth of the word of God and in no time, that same day; Goliath vacated the face of the earth so that the people of God could enjoy peace and progress in their land. Please read 1st Samuel Chapter 17 for full details.

Thirdly, the Holy Spirit reminded me of what the older brothers of Joseph said about how Joseph’s dreams would come to pass. Though they attempted to kill Joseph which would have made their words come to pass, God foiled their plans and Joseph’s life was spared. Eventually, Joseph was sold to the Midianite traders who also sold Joseph to Potiphar in Egypt. Unknown to Joseph’s ten older brothers, they were instrumental to moving Joseph to God’s height, plans and purposes for Joseph’s life.

Peninah’s perverse lips uttered unfathomable lies as she daily harassed Hannah about her childlessness. Though Hannah was miserable at first and cried all the time; all that came to an end when Hannah realized that she was focusing on the wrong thing; the lies of Peninah and not the truth of the word of God.

Immediately Hannah shifted her focus to the truth of the word of God and had one of the greatest negotiations of all times with God; Peninah was silenced forever.

Beloved, the word of God always supersedes whatever challenges the enemy throws your way; whatever boasts he makes against you irrespective of the seeming advantages at his disposal, the somehow supposedly great edge s/he seems to have over you. Why is this so? The word of God is the truth and the truth always overrides facts.

Daniel was already written off as food for the very hungry lions in the den of lions the moment he was found praying after the royal proclamation that no one should pray for thirty days. Beloved, do not forget that the proclamation was specifically designed for trap Daniel so that he could be eliminated. Judgment was swift and implementation urgent. But the truth of the word of God that no weapon fashioned His children would prosper and that every tongue that rises in judgment against the children of God is condemned was also swift, spontaneous and urgent. For once, in the history of humans, hungry lions refused to eat human flesh and Daniel was spared and saved. But the evil conspirators alongside members of their families became very tasty meats for the lions. Beloved, you are unconquerable because you are on the side of God.

Beloved, this makes the verse of Scripture in Philippians Chapter 4 verse 8 very significant. To meditate on the truth of the word of God is very important and crucial to strengthening the faith of a believer in Christ Jesus. This is because the truth of the word of God becomes a part of you, your entire being as you meditate on the truth on a daily basis. Therefore, do not fear. No weapon fashioned against you and your loved ones shall prosper and every tongue that rise against you in judgment is condemned in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. SHALOM.

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