Monday, November 4, 2019

Move Up Higher 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

You carry sunshine – in the love, enthusiasm, optimism, joy of the Holy Spirit, comfort, encouragement as well as the unshakeable faith in God to always come through for His own which you share. Do not allow anyone or circumstances to cloud your vision and dampen your enthusiasm and love for the people of God.

Sunshine brings joy, warmth and happiness to lives and people. Continue to radiate that sunshine. Continue to share the love, enthusiasm, optimism, joy of the Holy Spirit, comfort, encouragement, faith in God. Continue to strengthen the people of God by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. Continue to carry your sunshine and let go of rain clouds and thunderstorms and lightning strikes. You do not need the rain clouds and thunderstorms. You need your sunshine.

Significantly, you are the only one who can make other people place a high value on you. You are also the only one who can make people look down on you. Therefore, surround yourself with people who have a revelation of you; that is people who know and understand the divine deposits of God in you; who appreciate those deposits and value them. They are the ones who will truly appreciate you and remunerate you accordingly. Pharaoh and his court had a revelation of who Joseph was. They wasted no time in making him the Prime Minister of the land despite the fact that Joseph was a foreigner who was hastily brought out of prison to stand before Pharaoh that morning. Nebuchadnezzar had the right revelation of Daniel and his three friends. He rewarded them accordingly. Significantly, your intrinsic value in Christ Jesus should define your self-worth, value judgments and relationships.

Always take advantage of the divine leverages at your disposal. They are divinely given to you by God so that you can deploy them in moving to the next level in your divine assignment. You need leverage, divine assistance to propel you forward above the limitations you are experiencing now. Therefore, concentrate on what God is doing in your life and grab the divine leverages at your disposal. One of Joseph’s leverages was the butler who remembered Joseph and his divine ability to interpret dreams just at the nick of time; God’s divine timing when Joseph would be relevant to Pharaoh and his court, Egypt and the global space of his days. If the butler had mentioned Joseph to Pharaoh before Pharaoh had those dreams, Joseph would probably not have been reckoned with in Pharaoh’s court. But because Joseph was mentioned at a time when his divine abilities would save a nation, Joseph was reckoned with and remunerated accordingly.

It is also significant and instructive that Joseph did not pay attention to the enemy and is antics to stop Joseph from attaining God’s height for his life. Joseph focused on God and the great power and love of God at work in his life as well as his divine purpose on earth. He fulfilled purpose. You can also fulfil purpose and succeed beyond the wildest imagination of your detractors if you focus on God, His great power at work in your life and His unfailing love for you. Therefore, do not pay attention to the enemy. Ignore him and his cohorts and focus on God. You are a great success story; not by might nor by power but by the Spirit of God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

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