Friday, September 27, 2019

Get Up

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

The word of God energizes a person to act in tandem with the will of God to achieve desired results to bring about transformation, healing, positive economic results, and abundance as in some of these biblical examples.

Peter’s fishing exploits in Luke Chapter 5 verses 1 to 11, John Chapter 21 verses 1 to 13.

The lame man at the pool in Bethsaida who was physically and to some extent spiritually and mentally incapacitated and immobilized to a spot for thirty eight years – in essence, the man stagnated to retrogression and for thirty eight years, he did nothing but lay on his sick bed and watched other people (this is real pathetic) receive healings and miracles as well as leave Bethsaida for good, to live a life, away from the great multitude of sick and incapacitated people at the pool in Bethsaida.

Those who were likely to leave healed and restored were those who had people to put them in the pool when the water was stirred by an angel. The lame man however had no one to put him in the pool and his physical condition was also a limitation. So daily, he watched others succeed while he stayed helpless, incapacitated and immobilized to a spot.

Beloved, pause and ponder a while what the mental processes and even spiritual condition of the lame man at the pool was. But all that hopelessness and watching the world go by came to an end when Jesus, the Word of God; Who always fights with the sword of the Spirit (Revelation Chapter 19 verses 13 to 16) intervened and released the prophetic word – Get Up!, pick up your mat and walk. Suddenly, the hopelessness, the incapacitation and immobilization of thirty eight years was gone. It disappeared at the instance of the Word of God and the man who had possibly been written off to a life of watch others succeed and had come to despair at his own inability to succeed was completely healed, restored and transformed to live a life of unending success victory, hope and freedom in Christ.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Kept By His Word

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Be word ruled
Be word kept
Be word directed
Be word behaved
Be word controlled

Speak the word
Pray the word
Counsel the word
Prophesy the word
Study the word

Read the word
Understand the word
Meditate the word
Share the word
Teach the word

Radiate the word
Celebrate the word
Sing the word
Live the word
Enjoy the word

Shine as the Light of the World

The Path of the Word
Drops fatness, enlightens the eyes
Gives divine and secure direction
Safe, securely guarded; protected on all sides
The path of the word is the path of
Strength, confidence, boldness, authority
Favor, abounding wealth and peace
The path which leads to eternity in Christ Jesus

It is the path of righteousness
Which always shines brighter and brighter
Bringing victory from day to day
Light obliterates darkness, cancels out darkness and gives clarity and direction
The path of the word is the path of light

Do not allow circumstances and people to control you. When you are ruled by the Word, the Word controls circumstances and people are subject to the Word of God and then you. This is because the Word of God has power, great power and always overrides whatever is not of God. Shalom.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Look Around You/Within You 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Beloved, I pray that God in His infinite mercy and compassion as well as love and great grace will open your eyes of understanding to see what you have to see either around you or within you so that you can speedily and effortlessly move to your next level in Christ Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

The disciples of Jesus Christ were looking too far for the food resources required to feed the multitudes.  While they worried about where to source such resources at such a time of the day in the location they were at; they were unaware that Jesus Who was with them is also the God Who always multiplies and compounds resources for His own. Unknown to them, the seemingly little bread and fish available to them where they were; were more than enough food resources to feed the multitude. The disciples did not have the revelation of Jesus Christ as the One Who always multiplies and compounds resources for His own. The left over baskets opened their eyes of understanding to the immense resources and capacities at their disposal.

Peter probably understood this well when he had to source for the tax money from the mouth of a fish and not from anyone. It was from his regular trade and significantly from the mouth of a fish. He did not even have to take the trouble of looking for a buyer for caught fish. The money he required was patiently waiting for him in the mouth of a fish. All he had to do was catch the fish - make the effort to go where the fish was and get it out.

The four lepers who attempted to surrender to the Syrian army who besieged Samaria is a classic example of people who knew where to go seek the resources they were after. What they wanted was just around them and rather than starve to death, they chose the option of surrendering to the Syrian army. Fortunately for the lepers, the army of Syria had fled the scene of occupation and were no longer a threat to both the people of Samaria and the lepers.  Rather, their bountiful supplies which were targeted for a long siege were now the property of the people of Samaria and the four lepers.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Look Around You/Within You

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

God will never position beyond your reach what you need to succeed. That is to say that God positions your needs within your reach so that you can easily access them with ease. That way, you do not go searching in the stratosphere for what you need that is lying within your easy reach either inside of you or within you.

Hagar was in dire need of water for her son Ishmael who was about dying of thirst. But it appeared as if there was no water anywhere particularly so when they were in the desert, specifically the desert of Beersheba. So, Hagar decided to look away from her supposedly dying son. Just then God intervened and opened Hagar’s eyes; not to a skin of water, jars of water, but a well of water, more than enough water to last them for a life time so that they would no longer have to worry about the need for water to sustain them and keep them alive. God is certainly faithful as He supplies the needs, every need of His children according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Please read Genesis Chapter 21 verses 8 to 21.

The widow of the indebted prophet alongside her husband and her two sons lived in a land where other people made money and their bills. But the indebted prophet and his family never seemed to access money for their basic needs except by borrowing and unfortunately, they had come to the nadir of borrowing with the death of their father and husband. The seemingly unsympathetic creditor had an accurate record of their debts and knowing that the supposedly breadwinner who lived a life of indebtedness was gone; and so also the supposedly means of paying off the debts; the creditor sent word to Mrs. Widow that he was coming to collect her two sons for debt slavery.

Alarmed, the widow cried to Elisha for help. What financial assistance could Elisha possibly give to the widow considering that he was a prophet; and neither a farmer or business person! But Elisha had a great divine idea that would transform her life and those of her two sons. Though they had lived in that land all their lives and they had never made money, Elisha’s divine idea was about to show them how to make money, more than enough money to pay off their debts as well as own more than enough money to live on for the rest of their lives.

Monday, September 2, 2019

Guard Your Divine Gifts Jealously

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Your divine gifts are unique to you and are specifically and uniquely given to you by God to excel and be a blessing to God, yourself, your family, your community, nation and the world. Therefore, treasure your divine gifts – respect them and use them for the divine purposes God designed them for. They are not to be thrown to anyone or even used to further the works of other people that God did not commission you to work on. Invest your divine gifts and time on eternal and divine projects which God is interested in and would bless humanity.

Your divine gifts are divine assets. Joseph could have transferred the gifts of interpreting dreams; solving problems, making challenges become stepping stones to just anyone and that anyone would have taken over Joseph’s position in life and Egypt. But Joseph was smart. He kept the divine gifts and the use of the gifts to himself so that he was the only one who was always required; in great demand for the use of the gift and the handsome remuneration and rewards that came from deploying the gift were his and his alone.

Beloved, be wise in the management of your gifts. It is not only your pearls and other precious jewelry that should be guarded; not thrown to dogs or given to just anybody. Do not give your God given brand to anyone; no one deserves it. Your brand is your brand and belongs to you alone. It is not for sharing with anyone. Enhance your brand and be conscious of anyone and anything which attempts to downgrade your brand. Run away from anything which attempts to downgrade your brand. You do not need it irrespective of whatever the appearance it takes. It will only bring you down, diminish your value, rating and status. As much as possible, avoid anyone or anything which will downgrade your brand. For crying out loud, GUCCI is GUCCI and CARTIER is CARTIER just as HARVEY WINSTON is HARVEY WINSTON.