by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha
The word of God energizes a person to act in tandem with the
will of God to achieve desired results to bring about transformation, healing, positive
economic results, and abundance as in some of these biblical examples.
Peter’s fishing exploits in Luke Chapter 5 verses 1 to 11,
John Chapter 21 verses 1 to 13.
The lame man at the pool in Bethsaida who was physically and
to some extent spiritually and mentally incapacitated and immobilized to a spot
for thirty eight years – in essence, the man stagnated to retrogression and for
thirty eight years, he did nothing but lay on his sick bed and watched other
people (this is real pathetic) receive healings and miracles as well as leave
Bethsaida for good, to live a life, away from the great multitude of sick and
incapacitated people at the pool in Bethsaida.
Those who were likely to leave healed and restored were
those who had people to put them in the pool when the water was stirred by an
angel. The lame man however had no one to put him in the pool and his physical
condition was also a limitation. So daily, he watched others succeed while he
stayed helpless, incapacitated and immobilized to a spot.
Beloved, pause and ponder a while what the mental processes
and even spiritual condition of the lame man at the pool was. But all that
hopelessness and watching the world go by came to an end when Jesus, the Word
of God; Who always fights with the sword of the Spirit (Revelation Chapter 19
verses 13 to 16) intervened and released the prophetic word – Get Up!, pick up
your mat and walk. Suddenly, the hopelessness, the incapacitation and
immobilization of thirty eight years was gone. It disappeared at the instance
of the Word of God and the man who had possibly been written off to a life of
watch others succeed and had come to despair at his own inability to succeed
was completely healed, restored and transformed to live a life of unending
success victory, hope and freedom in Christ.