Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Look Around You/Within You

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

God will never position beyond your reach what you need to succeed. That is to say that God positions your needs within your reach so that you can easily access them with ease. That way, you do not go searching in the stratosphere for what you need that is lying within your easy reach either inside of you or within you.

Hagar was in dire need of water for her son Ishmael who was about dying of thirst. But it appeared as if there was no water anywhere particularly so when they were in the desert, specifically the desert of Beersheba. So, Hagar decided to look away from her supposedly dying son. Just then God intervened and opened Hagar’s eyes; not to a skin of water, jars of water, but a well of water, more than enough water to last them for a life time so that they would no longer have to worry about the need for water to sustain them and keep them alive. God is certainly faithful as He supplies the needs, every need of His children according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Please read Genesis Chapter 21 verses 8 to 21.

The widow of the indebted prophet alongside her husband and her two sons lived in a land where other people made money and their bills. But the indebted prophet and his family never seemed to access money for their basic needs except by borrowing and unfortunately, they had come to the nadir of borrowing with the death of their father and husband. The seemingly unsympathetic creditor had an accurate record of their debts and knowing that the supposedly breadwinner who lived a life of indebtedness was gone; and so also the supposedly means of paying off the debts; the creditor sent word to Mrs. Widow that he was coming to collect her two sons for debt slavery.

Alarmed, the widow cried to Elisha for help. What financial assistance could Elisha possibly give to the widow considering that he was a prophet; and neither a farmer or business person! But Elisha had a great divine idea that would transform her life and those of her two sons. Though they had lived in that land all their lives and they had never made money, Elisha’s divine idea was about to show them how to make money, more than enough money to pay off their debts as well as own more than enough money to live on for the rest of their lives.

Apparently, there were opportunities and platforms to make money in the land; even from the supposedly little resources at their disposal. So as she went back home and obeyed the prophet’s instruction; the supposedly insignificant jar of oil multiplied and compounded into several jars of oil which were sold to offset the family debts as well as provide  substantial income for the family to live on for the rest of their lives. Significantly and quite instructive is the fact that the jar of oil or even probably jars had always been with them in the house, staring them in the face. But they had never seen or perceived the monetary value of the jar or jars of oil. Why did it never ever cross anyone’s mind in the family that oil well packaged in vessels for sale was a huge economic resource that gave financial freedom?

They had not looked around or within by the leading of the Holy Spirit to discover the huge economic potentials sitting in a supposedly insignificant jar of oil. It took the intervention of the prophet Elisha for God to open their eyes of understanding to the huge economic resource sitting in their home all the while they lived a life of borrowing, debt and probably worry and anxiety especially after the demise of their husband, father and supposedly breadwinner. Suddenly, all that was gone as new vistas of opportunities for financial freedom and complete deliverance from debt bondage came their way; thanks to Elisha.

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