Monday, September 2, 2019

Guard Your Divine Gifts Jealously

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Your divine gifts are unique to you and are specifically and uniquely given to you by God to excel and be a blessing to God, yourself, your family, your community, nation and the world. Therefore, treasure your divine gifts – respect them and use them for the divine purposes God designed them for. They are not to be thrown to anyone or even used to further the works of other people that God did not commission you to work on. Invest your divine gifts and time on eternal and divine projects which God is interested in and would bless humanity.

Your divine gifts are divine assets. Joseph could have transferred the gifts of interpreting dreams; solving problems, making challenges become stepping stones to just anyone and that anyone would have taken over Joseph’s position in life and Egypt. But Joseph was smart. He kept the divine gifts and the use of the gifts to himself so that he was the only one who was always required; in great demand for the use of the gift and the handsome remuneration and rewards that came from deploying the gift were his and his alone.

Beloved, be wise in the management of your gifts. It is not only your pearls and other precious jewelry that should be guarded; not thrown to dogs or given to just anybody. Do not give your God given brand to anyone; no one deserves it. Your brand is your brand and belongs to you alone. It is not for sharing with anyone. Enhance your brand and be conscious of anyone and anything which attempts to downgrade your brand. Run away from anything which attempts to downgrade your brand. You do not need it irrespective of whatever the appearance it takes. It will only bring you down, diminish your value, rating and status. As much as possible, avoid anyone or anything which will downgrade your brand. For crying out loud, GUCCI is GUCCI and CARTIER is CARTIER just as HARVEY WINSTON is HARVEY WINSTON.

Beloved, till your land! Work your land as God would have you work it, quietly and diligently in righteousness. Jacob converted his God given divine ideas into wealth. He raised his own spotted and colored flock from what was not spotted and colored. Beloved, I am sure that you have greater spiritual, physical and mental capacities to make wealth happen irrespective of what the prevailing circumstances or your background appears to be. Leverage them to make wealth, leverage your skills and talents as well as divine ideas, contacts and connections to make wealth. Allow God to use His divine deposits in you, His extravagant grace, mercy and compassion to make you wealthy.

Jacob worked on his seeds; the ability to receive and process divine ideas that would translate intangible assets into tangible assets. With that, he raised his own flock, a stronger and more numerous breed than Laban’s. And to think that Laban removed his own spotted and colored flock so that Jacob would not be able to raise his own flock. But God gave Jacob great divine ideas to raise spotted and colored flock from what was not colored. Laban erroneously thought that Jacob’s wealth would always be tied to his generosity and willingness to make Jacob wealthy. But unknown to Laban, only God makes a person truly wealthy through his divine deposits in the life of the person. The patriarch Abraham understood this which explains why he rejected the gifts from the Kings of Sodom, et al after he rescued Lot. Beloved, no matter the resources that are taken away from you so that you do not create wealth, the truth of the word of God is that you will always create wealth, not by might nor by power but by the Spirit of God.

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