Monday, September 9, 2019

Look Around You/Within You 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Beloved, I pray that God in His infinite mercy and compassion as well as love and great grace will open your eyes of understanding to see what you have to see either around you or within you so that you can speedily and effortlessly move to your next level in Christ Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

The disciples of Jesus Christ were looking too far for the food resources required to feed the multitudes.  While they worried about where to source such resources at such a time of the day in the location they were at; they were unaware that Jesus Who was with them is also the God Who always multiplies and compounds resources for His own. Unknown to them, the seemingly little bread and fish available to them where they were; were more than enough food resources to feed the multitude. The disciples did not have the revelation of Jesus Christ as the One Who always multiplies and compounds resources for His own. The left over baskets opened their eyes of understanding to the immense resources and capacities at their disposal.

Peter probably understood this well when he had to source for the tax money from the mouth of a fish and not from anyone. It was from his regular trade and significantly from the mouth of a fish. He did not even have to take the trouble of looking for a buyer for caught fish. The money he required was patiently waiting for him in the mouth of a fish. All he had to do was catch the fish - make the effort to go where the fish was and get it out.

The four lepers who attempted to surrender to the Syrian army who besieged Samaria is a classic example of people who knew where to go seek the resources they were after. What they wanted was just around them and rather than starve to death, they chose the option of surrendering to the Syrian army. Fortunately for the lepers, the army of Syria had fled the scene of occupation and were no longer a threat to both the people of Samaria and the lepers.  Rather, their bountiful supplies which were targeted for a long siege were now the property of the people of Samaria and the four lepers.

In obedience to God, Abraham took Isaac to be sacrificed. Just when he was about to sacrifice Isaac, God opened his eyes to see the ram which was divinely positioned for the sacrifice. Abraham’s obedience occasioned the divine opening of his eyes to the divinely provided and strategically positioned ram for the sacrifice.

Laban though he had outsmarted Jacob but unknown to Laban, Jacob was not one to engage in pity parties. Rather, he always looked up to God for help. Therefore, when Laban removed all the spotted and colored livestock from the flock in order to hinder Jacob from raising his own flock, Jacob chose to look within and around. In the process, he was able to raise a very strong and large flock for himself. You can also do same.

Beloved, what do you urgently require that appears to be hanging in the stratosphere but which actually is within you or around you patiently waiting for you to see it and utilize for whatever purpose you want to in order to achieve divine purpose? God is faithful. He will definitely meet you at your point of need if only you will look up to Him first for direction and instruction on how to access that which is just within you or around you.

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