Sunday, July 8, 2018

Cash in on Opportunities

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

The blind man who sat by the road begging near Jericho understood the full import of cashing in on opportunities. He realized that certain opportunities do not present themselves every day. He therefore took ample advantage of the opportunity of Jesus passing by him because he knew that Jesus in His earthly ministry may not likely pass by him a second time. He therefore utilized the one time life opportunity of meeting with Jesus Christ to achieve a life time goal of receiving his sight. Significantly, the blind man was expectant that Jesus would give him back his sight. He also believed that Jesus had the power and would be willing to restore his sight. If only he could come near Jesus. Fortunately for him, the great opportunity came as Jesus traveled to Jericho.

The blind man could definitely not see Jesus and he probably had no one to lead him to Jesus. Rather than lament and hold a pity party about what he lacked, he chose to utilize what he had in great measure – his voice and mouth to great advantage.

But he could hear and so heard the noise of multitudes moving around him. He asked people around what the noise was all about and they informed him that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by. What an opportunity! Though he could not see, he could shout. Definitely, Jesus could hear him. So the blind man raised his voice and cried out for mercy to Jesus. Though people tried to restrain him urging him to be quiet, he shouted the more to gain Jesus’ attention. Significantly, Jesus granted him audience and his life time goal was achieved as his sight was restored.

Beloved, the hitherto blind man had little or nothing at his disposal to deal with the challenge of visual impairment. But rather than blame anyone or circumstances, he worked at getting out of the predicament which made him a beggar.
He was observant of changes in his environment – he noticed unusual high noise levels, many footsteps and people around him through sounds. He realized they meant changes so he asked questions, in point of fact very empowering questions and got very empowering answers. He also paid attention to people – he listened attentively to what they had to say to him and very wisely processed the information to advantage. Otherwise, how would he have heard of the miracle working powerful Jesus Who could do all things? Also, the blind man desperately wanted an encounter with Jesus. He therefore paid prime attention, listened attentively, was very observant; all of which yielded full and great dividends. His sight was restored. He was also very determined to have his needs met by Jesus. So he kept crying out despite being restrained by the people around him. Beloved, the blind man had heard good things about Jesus so he knew that Jesus was not a snob who would ignore him. He therefore kept shouting believing that Jesus would hear him and address his challenge of visual impairment. He also believed that Jesus could handle his predicament in spite of the fact that it had been a long standing challenge which deprived him of the opportunity to fend for himself. Please see Luke Chapter 18 verses 35 to 43.

Is it possible that there are long standing issues in your life which urgently require redressing by Jesus but you have given up hope completely because you have heard that nothing can be done about them or you probably do not have the resources to redress them? Do not despair. Jesus of Nazareth is not passing by. He is here for you; to take away the shame, reproach and humiliation of many years away from you so you can live a fulfilled life in Christ Jesus. He is also here to ensure that your deliverance is total and permanent.

The woman with the issue of blood had suffered severally but on the day she cashed in on the opportunity of Jesus’ passing by enroute to heal the daughter of Jairus, the woman was transformed. The blood flow of twelve years that had defied medications was stanched immediately. Please see Luke Chapter 8 verses 41 to 48. She was determined and pushed through the crowd to touch the hem of his garment. She believed that Jesus could heal her and that was what she got. She did not spend any money because she had none left as everything had been taken by the medics who unfortunately did not solve her problem. But she had hope, she had confidence in Jesus; she believed he would heal her.

The ten lepers also cashed in on the opportunity of a divinely arranged encounter with Jesus by asking for mercy. As lepers, they could not come close to Jesus. But they used their voices and cried out for mercy. They were healed and restored back to society. Please see Luke Chapter 17 verses 11 to 19.

Quite instructive and significant learning lessons from these examples is the fact that Jesus was passing by enroute to other functions and because these people took advantage of the divinely arranged but what you would probably refer to as chance meetings with Jesus, their lifelong desires were met despite the challenges they experienced.

Beloved, you can proudly rise up above whatever challenges you; limits you from decent society by immediately cashing in on the opportunity of Jesus’ presence today. He is here and specifically so for you if only you will pay attention to Him; present your needs to Him for Him to meet them. Shalom.

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