Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha
Therefore, request help of God so that He will put
an end to wandering in every sphere of your life in the mighty name of Jesus
Christ. When you ask help of God, God responds and amazingly, swiftly. This is
because God says to call on Him in the day of trouble and He will answer. Significantly,
we humble ourselves when we ask God for help and God is always pleased with the

The sick and dying servant of the Centurion
mentioned in Luke Chapter 7 verses 1 to 10 is not referred to as a believer;
but because his master the Centurion requested help from Jesus, the servant was
healed. Quite significant is the fact that the Centurion humbled himself to not
only request help of Jesus through the elders of the Jews, but he also insisted
that he considered himself unworthy for Jesus to come under his roof. Beloved,
you may not be Christian right now. You can ask Jesus for help and thereafter
invest in a quality relationship that will yield great dividends for you both
now and in eternity. Do not delay. Act now so that wandering and fruitless
labor will come to an end in Jesus mighty name. Wandering as a result of challenges such as
financial challenges, unproductive labor and land, marital challenges can be
resolved by the wisdom and knowledge of God to give stability. Please see
Isaiah Chapter 33 verse 6. The wisdom of God has the capacity to make the land
and labor productive, to resolve financial challenges, to resolve marital
challenges, as well as other challenges. That will definitely end the captivity
of wandering and its related challenges.
The reason for
wandering is lack of direction, lack of purpose, lack of fulfillment. But God
has given me purpose, therefore fulfillment and by virtue of my salvation by
faith in Christ, the ground, the land that God blessed you with will always produce bountiful harvests in
Jesus mighty name. Please see Deuteronomy Chapter 8 verses 7 to 10, 18, 11
verses 10 to 15, Zechariah Chapter 8 verse 12, Isaiah Chapter 30 verse 23,
Genesis Chapter 8 verse 22. Therefore, no more wandering on account of
financial challenges and what appears to be unprofitable labor because God
blesses the work of your hands. Please see Deuteronomy Chapter 8 verses 7 to 10, 18;
11 verses 10 to 15, Zechariah Chapter 8 verse 12 and Isaiah Chapter 30 verse
God in His infinite mercies and grace will give you
wisdom, His wisdom that is profitable to direct.; to master your finances, to
master your mental processes – imagination, dreams, thought processes, desires,
emotions, etc; to master your time so that you invest time rather than fritter
it; to master the relationships God brings your way so that you do not derail
from His plans and purposes for your life as well as master your taste buds so that
you do not eat what will be injurious to your body.