Saturday, December 26, 2020

Relationships and Success

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Relationships are pivotal to success. However, not all relationships engender success as some relationships actually work against success. The case of Samson and Delilah is a classic example of how certain relationships work against success. Samson was born for great exploits, to keep the Philistines in check so Israel could live in peace and prosper. Samson excelled at this task and no Philistine, not even multitudes of them could tame Samson. Unfortunately, Samson fell in love with what was destined to destroy him. Unknown to Samson, Delilah had no interest in him other than what she stood to gain from the Philistines who had promised her great rewards if she could sell Samson to them. Therefore, because of his ungodly liaison with Delilah, Samson embarked on a self-destructive mission based on his frequent visits to Delilah in Delilah’s house.

Characteristics of Delilah’s house

It is a valley where a person decreases from God’s best. Delilah’s house never brings increase to a man. It is therefore the pit of life. – Proverbs Chapter 6 verse 26, 7 verses 16, 27, Judges Chapter 16 verses 12 to 42.

It is characterized by lies and deception, a deceptive place where people lose grace and God’s unction on their lives because they paid attention to the lies of Delilah.

It is a way to hell and a place of captivity where enemies lie in wait. Unknown to Samson, the Philistines were lying in wait for him right where he thought he was safe with Delilah. Unfortunately, that was where the indefatigable and unusually strong Samson who could not be tamed by any man was captured.

It is a place where a man loses his vision. The eyes of Samson were gouged out and he became blind. But beyond the physical blindness was his loss of vision and unction to function as God would have him function. Please read Judges Chapter 16 verse 21.

It is a place devoid of the presence of God, a place where a man loses strength and purpose. God does not dwell in lies and deception. This calls for caution especially if people you relate with or institutions you partner with do not give a hoot about lies and deception.

It is also a place of defeat – Judges Chapter 16 verse 20. Samson won every battle against the Philistines until he entered Delilah’s valley of loss and began to lose every battle.

It is a place of pain and torture. Samson suffered great pain, torture and humiliation at the hands of the Philistines. He became less of what God designed him to be (Judges Chapter 16 verse 19).

Relationships which drain you of virtue are no go relationships. So also are relationships with ignorant people who refuse to acquire knowledge, who despise knowledge and prefer to live and act in ignorance. You cannot make any progress in life with such people, especially if they are vindictive, superstitious and are in the habit of pulling down structures built by other people. Avoid discussions with anyone who is opposed to your progress and always wishes you evil. If only Samson knew that Delilah wished him evil. He probably would have fled for his life.

Beloved, let go off relationships which do not add value to your life. I also suggest that you pray this prayer.

Father, please help me identify the relationships to hold on to and the ones to let go off in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Thank You for answered prayers Lord in Jesus mighty name, Amen.

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